ITT: red flags

ITT: red flags
>massive open world map
>too much variety
>10+ years in development
>trailers that don't show gameplay
>early access
>review embargo

Attached: 1637333378810.jpg (1024x914, 59.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>dev lists pronouns of social media

>red flags
People who use the phrase "red flag"


>story is delivered exclusively through scripted non-interactive cutscenes

>too much variety
What, why?

>live action trailers
>CGI trailers
>game gets a new trailer or teaser every year but no release date
>graphics in trailers/gameplays become noticably worse as time progresses
>teasers that say/show nothing and just have a narrator talking
>characters in game are modeled after real life celebrities
>celebrity voice actors
>celebrities advertising the game or getting invited up stage to play it
>celebrities show up in the trailer
>motion capture is marketed and hyped up as a big feature for the game
>DLC is already announced before game release
>dozens of different pre order bonuses depending on where you preorder from
>day 0 patch that is bigger or more than half the size of the game itself
>single player requires an internet connection
>cash shop for single player
>game requires you to install a 3rd party launcher on top of steam if you buy it on there
>the game is plastered on billboards, buses, constantly shows up on TV and other ads and more money goes into marketing than development in general

i meant to write to much variety of things like items, movesets or weapons
the quantity has a negative effect on quality


>less than 100GB

consider the weapon variety and quality of dark souls 1 2 and 3 versus bloodborne.

this looks absolutely terrible lmao

that's kino tho

I get it but I don't agree, I see variety as a plus. I liked the Souls games more than BB because of the variety. Even if some weapons behave relatively similarly, they all have different stats and a few animations interchanged between them making it more fun to experiment with lots of different options.

So you prefer 20 reskins of the same weapon with negligibly different moves and numbers over 20 fundamentally and functionally distinct weapons that are all fun to use and change how you approach the game

the game that will save 2022

No I prefer something like 20 fundamentally and functionally distinct weapons classes that are all fun to use and change how you approach the game, and each weapon class having 5-20 different variants that delve deeper into each possible application of the weapon class, adding to the customization of my character.
OVER 20 fundamentally and functionally distinct weapons that are all fun to use and change how you approach the game.

cats are the niggers of animals

>thread starts with cat image

Attached: 1645530951523.jpg (1080x1080, 166.98K)

Woke politics

Attached: Flagred_tfc.png (244x556, 56.3K)

>2d graphics
>triple A
>3d graphics
>PC only
>Nancy Drew
>woke politics
>melee weapons
>early access
>concept art
>delayed development