Still the king

Still the king.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>best souls game
>not even a fromsoft game

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ds2 is by far one of the games ever made

probably the best in the series, and one of the best games of all time

king of dogshit

unrelated but dear god the ps5 box looks ugly as fuck with that white border

Lmao u fucking contrarians

This game was mediocre at absolute best

The level design was literally one continuous hallway that occasionally changed colors

The true King's Field legacy. Thanks to haters it will be forever left alone, no remakes, no rehash, no bullshit.

>The best Dark Souls is DS2
>The best Fallout is Fallout 3
>The best Deus Ex is DE: Invisible War
>The best Elder Scrolls is Oblivion
>And all other games in the series are tranny games

Attached: WFWF.png (1700x888, 1.67M)

More like Clanky Souls II.
Am I rite guyz?

I can't speak to Deus Ex but all the rest are correct.

Based retard

Is the Pursuer supposed to be this spongy? Or do i need to grind for +5 upgrades?

>no remakes, no rehash
Are you disabled?

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 35.69K)

>no bullshit.
As someone who actually liked DS2, this is how I know you haven't actually played it. Love it or hate it, DS2 was full of bullshit.

I hope you like fighting the same boss 10 times. (This is not a joke)

Based Mauling tearing this a new one

You didnt asnwer my question. He takes little damage.

I legit cannot tell if people like this game this much or are meming. I hate most of the the things this game does. This and Evil Within 1 are the most "how could anyone adore this" things I've played, in that I genuinely don't understand how anyone could confidently claim either game as being "good"

Invisible War is fucking terrible. Embarrassing terrible. Wtf are you on?

It's Dark Souls. All bosses take little damage. Get a better weapon, or be more patient as you slowly whittle him down.

Dark Souls 2, Invisible War and Fallout 3 are the trinity of godly gaming. You shouldn't get all your opinions from Youtubers, my man.

I love Souls 2 and Fallout 3 but stop pooling indisputably awful Invisible War with actual good games. You seem to have some sort of weird nostalgia boner for old jank games.

i don't understand why everyone sperged out over new vegas. I loved 3 and couldn't get into new vegas, felt bland and boring. And 2 is just obviously the best. If you like 3 more you're unironically just an adhd zoomer that wants fast paced action at the expense of literally everything else that matters, and you deserve the gas chamber.

I liked DS2.
it wasn't as fluid as DS1 and the controls are clunky, but it was still a fun game. DLC is where it really shines.
i think it would've been better received if the weapon degradation issue was fixed early on, also if they didn't do that stupid thing where enemies stop spawning after a certain amount of time.

DaS2 really fucked things up with soul memory, doesn't have any fun levels for PvP, and PvE is way too easy, except 2 damn tigers or whatever they were in the snow dlc area, which are too over the top.

No. The same soul that's in Fallout 3 and Dark Souls is in Invisible War. People only shit on it because it dared to be different. You're almost enlightened because you like F3 and DS2 but you're not quite there yet. Trust me. Replay Invisible War, you'll learn to love it.