Once again evil white straight cis males are after us Any Forumsros. if this gets passed...

once again evil white straight cis males are after us Any Forumsros. if this gets passed, no more gay furry porn resulting this board to be wipes out!!! vote against it please my furrysisters, we need more starfox and bowser gay porn!!! save the barabros!

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why is it that I can always tell who's a tranny based solely on their avatar?

Oh no bunker sissies how will we groom kids online now

why is lgbt content nsfw

>voting against your own rights to own the libs

Another internet doomsday? What's going on this time?

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where can I read more about this so I can support it?

If I understand this right, if this law passed, Facebook could be sued if I posted a video of myself committing a murder
How is this bad for anyone except Facebook?

Who are you quoting


its almost as if the entire group is composed of sexual perverts. look at the furfags, can't sepnd 5 seconds without making everything about sex

because the reason most people come out these days is a result of futa porn and other things. Indoctrinates them. Removing it, according to the twitter user, is equal to censorship and misguidance.

Of course, if you really need an image of a humanoid lion with a 12 inch cock to show you that you're gay, maybe its best if you didn't encounter such situation in the first place

>freedom... LE GOOD
I don't need or want the "right" to groom children.

>freedom means i can groom children without consequences.
perhaps people like you had too much freedom

Its a sick sexual fetish. wait did you think it was good and normal because TV jews drone on about it for a century? dont be that stupid.

you cannot get me to support something against my principles just because retards I hate also oppose it
I'm not as retarded as the likes of you

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>Sponsored by
>Senate: Lindsey Graham


>>freedom means i can groom children without consequences.
I... never said that

>you hate society yet you participate in it
>i am so smart

>muh SOPA
>muh COPPA

Diaper porn good. George Washington salutes bad.

That's not even remotely applicable to what he said

>people are voting for Google Microsoft Amazon
Yeah with our wallets amirite voting with your wallets is a real thing after all

How is this even remotely related to his point, retard

Is this guy as retarded as he seems, surely not

Op didn't say that tho

i honestly hate freedom of speech, literally just protects sex trafficking jewish pornographers

So does that mean if you post torrents on Any Forums, hiromoot can get sued?

Eh, I think you're being unfair to the furries here, they can do non-porn stuff.
They'll still get horny about it but it's not porn

the 2020 iteration had a LOT of support from the blues, and it passed through the judiciary committee unanimously.

girlname is right every now and then

Because your avatar is a selfinsert for your tastes and women dont like the things men do?

You'd better cut your dick off. You know who else has dicks? Trannies. Wouldn't want to be like them, would you?

>freedom of speech bad because retards use their freedom in ways that I dont like
If it weren't for the first amendment you would be sent to prison for making anti-semitic and defamatory comments on imageboards. I'd rather everyone be free than allow the federal government to put its boot on my neck because they also have a boot on my enemies neck

>mention nsfw and lgbt as equal
freudian slip? one can hope it passes. fuck furfags, fags and trannies. if this is what it takes then so be it. idc i already downloaded enough anime movies and game to keep me entertained for years

QRD? I haven't heard anything other than fucking Ukraine in the past few days.

>if this gets passed, no more gay furry porn
Whew, glad I only like straight furry porn. I'm safe.

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>they can do non-porn stuff.
as long as something even barely resembles an animal they WILL immediately to sexualize it
and especially if its a wolf or something similair
remember when FNAF first dropped? i do

Human male on fem anthro bros, we won

jews still have their hate speech laws, how did the first amendment help?

was it something like "think of muh children" to have control over the internet or some shit?

tl;dr uuuuuuhmmmhmhnm 4th amendment don't apply to computers cause uhhh terrorism and sex crimes???

Companies will be responsible for stuff people post on their sites
They won't be able to pull the "it's not mine, i just host the stiff, lol" excuse any more

You and all the stuff you like being gone is better future and orgasmic-tier than anything bad that could happen to me. Sorry bro, you're just THAT repulsive.


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wouldn't this give even more power to lefties?

If website owners become legally responsible for copyright breaches committed by visitors, they're going to put measures like upload filters and stricter guidelines in place. This is probably targeted at youtube and other streaming websites, but can affect pretty much anything that involves potentially copyrighted material.

It's exactly that

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That doesn't make any sense, though. Why would the companies be responsible? Anyone can sign up anywhere and post anything.

4channelbros... we're not gonna make it...

yes, which is why they should be for it, not against it. but i figure cooming is more important than anything for them