LOTR games

How come an IP as popular and as "video gamey" as The Lord of the Rings only had a single good game made in all these years?

Attached: all-lord-of-the-rings-games-ranked-featured-image.jpg (1400x700, 217.98K)

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The Tolkien estate was extremely strict about how the license was used.

i don't know which game you're talking about but bfme1 and 2 already makes 2 good games and i know there are more

You are going to watch trannies and brown people wipe their ass with yiur culture and you BETTER not make a fucking peep out of yout pathetic white mouth if you know whats good for you, fucking cumskin filth

>The Tolkien estate was extremely strict about how the license was used.
And now they've given it to Amazon and they're producing a fucking shit take on the license, full of woke agenda bullshit and frankly uninspired Hollywood cinematography and pacing (yes, that was already apparent from the trailer).

Two Towers game

LotR Online wasn't bad, wish they'd try it again

Christopher died and his son doesn't give a shit, also they are auctioning the rights now so the Tolkien estate won't even control anything anymore.

>you and your son spend decades crafting a fictional universe with immense care so your ungrateful PoS grandson can wipe his ass with it

Cruel world we live in

BFME1 was mediocre at best, 2 with the Witch King expansion made a ton of improvements and it's the closest thing the franchise has to a game that's mechanically sound and would have sold well even if it didn't have the familiarity of the famous setting.

Those movie tie-in PS2 games are literal shovelware.

What's the matter/v/? You don't like the black dwarf princess?

Attached: FLPKzzaWYAIFZMf.jpg (800x1200, 215.35K)

>Series is mostly OC fanfiction

Yep that worked well for GoT

More like Uruk-Hai princess

>Those movie tie-in PS2 games are literal shovelware.
No that one was great, good combat, nice levels.

>single good lotr game
thats middle earth 2
spent literally hundreds of hours on that game kek

isengard main here with a custom here that emphasizes leadership, reinforcements, poison blade

I love Bfme2 so fucking much, I wish we could get a rerelease because getting people to try it is a pain in the ass.

The MMO game is still online

This was a great game. I'd love if they make a remake or a remaster

Attached: The two towers ps2.jpg (352x500, 40.08K)

>dwarf princess?
wheres the beard? Genuine question?



Amazon thinks dwarf women don't have glorious beards

Attached: DLKgz.png (500x590, 563.91K)

>It's true you don't see many dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for dwarf men.

>It's the beards.

I need beards dammit