Will we never have a new Lemmings game? I love these guys os much

Will we never have a new Lemmings game? I love these guys os much

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Just become the POTUS bro

You got one just a couple years ago

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why do the new lemmings look like raddishes?

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hey i waited forever for evil genius to get a game and ended up with some soulless mobile-esque game for PC

it could be worse

holy shit is that a mobile lemmings game?
I want to fucking die

>they keep asking for remakes/remaster
>they keep ending up like this and dungeon keeper mobile
by what means do you teach the gamer, when he does not learn from pain?

i can barely remember anything about the game besides this old ass sprite comic


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>freemium shit


>Will we never have a new Lemmings game?
The IP belongs to Sony. So no. And even if we would, it'd be pozzed to hell. They also actively C&D under immediate threat of litigation, anyone thinking of porting one of the older games to a modern platform or OS. So we're not getting the old games back either, short of emulation and virtual machines.

If you loved them you wouldn't want another game.

I died a little on the inside.

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played the shit out of the PSP game

Lemmings Revolution was great. I remember making it to the end but never managed to beat all levels. Maybe it's worth a revisit...

I remember getting filtered hard in later levels as a kid and getting incredibly angry about it.

Fuck you.

I'd love to see them make one with the original developers just for the shitposting
Imagine weeks of anons going nuts over rumours of a Rockstar North game developed exclusively for PlayStation 5 published and funded entirely by Sony only for it to turn out to be fucking Lemmings

Lemmings should probably stay 2D.
But could the concept work in 3D?
Pikmin works but they're not quite the same.

Anyone here played Lemmings 3D? Looks ugly as fuck today but it was pretty fun, hasd some very unique levels. I remember one where you started at the top of a statue and you had to use the first-person camera to dig all the way down

Attached: LEMGO.jpg (800x600, 66.89K)

There WAS a 3D Lemmings game, but like I said, it's ugly as fuck
