How cringe is the singing gonna get?

How cringe is the singing gonna get?

Attached: Screenshot_2022-02-22-10-38-30-1.png (1440x1457, 1.39M)

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I unironically hope it's the most cringe thing i've ever seen, i think that will be funny.

What are the chances they grabbed some videogame cover youtubers to sing in the game?

the 8 bit singing was great tho

It is going to be kino

When you remember these scenes from the snes, do you remember the way they looked on your screen or the way they looked in your imagination

Have you even thought about it before

What language? Are they going to ruin it?
This has me worried if anything.

>How cringe is the singing gonna get?
Very, veeerrryyy much.

You forgot the giga Chad image.

There are actual vocal tracks for the opera on The Black Mages albums. Probably gonna use those.

why do they ALWAYS fuck up the UI in these FF remakes. They can manage decent pixel work but it just ends up looking like a mobile game which it I guess essentially is at this point in time

It probably won't be bad, but you aren't sophisticated enough to appreciate opera. You'll just use the old school yard approach of "if I don't like it then it's bad."

I would hope they at least use some of the official renditions they've commissioned in multiple languages over the years.

Attached: Terra - Down.gif (32x36, 378)

If they get the music part of it right, i think it could be not cringey lol or was it just me not acknowledging its a good song cause my uncomfort for being forced to watch and read feels made me cringe. iunno

Exactly how I expected it


Did you watch the latest trailer? It's not opera, its a little girl singing in front of her classroom.

I want to undub this day one

i like it

A young prima-donna? I hope her heart is in it.


final fantasy 6 is the best one

Where is my Japanese version? I refuse to play this unless the singing it's in the original language it was intended.

>english instead of italian
into the trash it goes

Why is Terra so fucking garbage mechanically? Morph takes for fucking ever to charge up, and then you blow it in like 1/3 of a battle, I really wanted her to be my waifu but her character skill is the god damn worst in the game.

>characters and backgrounds are all pixelated
>HUD is crystal clear

You’re supposed to love someone IN SPITE OF THEIR FLAWS

you don’t deserve terra if you can’t accept her as she is user

>he's never heard it IRL

the ultimate rendition has already been made

It's ok Relm is my daughterfu now, she will last me longer even if she has much less fanart.

I just want my snes styled pseudo "voices".

Fuck this, i never wanted to HEAR the opera part! Because it'd be RUINED ANY WAY YOU SLICE IT!


It's because when you WANT to use Morph , you have better options for damage.

Its not like Morph can break damage cap, which would have been a cool thing.