I love my ugly mongoloid wife

I love my ugly mongoloid wife.

She has 6 pack abs and a hairy vagina and stinky armpits.

Attached: aloy-geshin-impact-76869de.png (620x413, 112.37K)

that's a man

No she just has a strong jaw from eating raw meat and nuts all day every day.


That's a peak Aryan phenotype.

Attached: aryans.jpg (1342x663, 121.14K)


Had a gf like that she died climbing a mou5

imagine the smell of alloy rancid pussy SNIIIIIFFFF

Nickacado was a psyop to condition you to accept aloy.

Guys my signal is breaking up. It was a Granny super soldier program all along. Canada is coming. I’m on watch while my friends are asleep. There is gunfire and explosions somewhere in the distance. The news stopped broadcasting days ago. The time of the Canada is almost at hand. The next generation of women are almost here, packs of GILFS in their 50s will be equipped with monster cocks through gene editing and will roam the streets in packs looking for cock. This was trudaus plan all along. We’re running out of supplies but the granny squads are patrolling and have enhanced hearing. We already have to turn the lights out at night to avoid detection. We heard someone being dragged out of t heir home by the Gilf units last night.

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Having this take on an imaginary person.

How's that virginity going OP?

Based Techno Cave Bitch.
>refuses to fall for the jewish tricks so does not wear make up
>spends all day in nature
>is fit for survival and protecting your off spring

>There are people who DONT like Aloy and her fertile ginger patch
What, are you gay?
Aloy IS the Innawoods Giga Stacy.

>How's that virginity going OP?
Fine. Why?

So its à man?

Not sure what your personal life have to do with Aloy but alright.

>nicokado face
>hairy red pussy
based and delicious
>stinky armpits

Attached: Vegeta's_Mustache.png (643x482, 240.29K)

>eating raw meat and nuts all day every day.
could you elaborate?

Big oof

What's wrong? Were you hoping I'd be salty about being a virgin?

She's a cavewoman.

that's a real woman chud

Attached: realwomen.jpg (798x1920, 370.79K)

Tis a face that doesn't know how to make expressions

Shills are geting desperate lol

Doubling down on it too. Go touch some grass my guy

I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass

Why do fags hate ugly girls? Their uglyness make them cute

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I treasure my virginity. It's proof of my intelligence.