Japanese are SEETHING because Soul Hackers 2 is not on Switch


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Don’t care. I’ll be buying this on my Xbox Series X system.

I am angry because it looks fucking awful. They somehow went backwards from SMTV and P5

People who don't have PC or PS4 in 2022 are irrelevant people with third party games. It's just console war fag

less than 300 people are buying this game on xbox. from the capcom leaks last year:

From the recent Capcom leaks these were the sales of the Ace Attorney trilogy collection:

Switch 462,395
PC 245,339
PS4 103,235
Xbox One 4821

Total: 815,790

Japan alone:
Switch 97,816
PS4 30,469
PC 10,426
Xbox One 198

EVERYONE is seething and it’s fucking hilarious!

>smt fans upset it’s not smtVI
>fans of first soul hackers upset with new colorful designs
>persona fans upset it’s not persona 6
>switch fans mad it’s not persona on switch
>Sony fags mad it’s not Sony exclusive
>nintoddles mad it’s not coming for switch AT ALL

Everyone! Look at it! Hilarious!

For me? It’s Xbox.

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You know the rest of the Capcom games sold well.

understandable, new games releasing on ps4 and ps5 can't even reach top 3 on their first week

The platform doesn't matter when it's a game that runs the same on fucking literal tablets and phones, try comparing sales for multiplatform titles that aren't just a collection of animated pngs and you'll see why no one buys multiplat games for the switch unless they absolutely have to

It looks kind of shitty btw. If you haven't told me it was soul hackers 2 i wouldn't have noticed. Its way too colorful, the places you visit look derivative of other games. It looks like a Tales game rather than an SMT game.

>Japanese are SEETHING because Soul Hackers 2 is not on Switch
Of course they are. The Switch is unironically 90%+ of their market.
And the last Soul Hackers release was on the 3DS.
And the devs' last game was on the Switch.

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gooks btfo

There is zero market for japanese games on xbox. Pajeets will only play them if Microsoft gives it to them for free.

Well yeah? It makes no sense for this not to be on Switch.

It's like how you'd expect Sony fans to complain if Street Fighter 6 was announced for everything but Playstation. It makes no sense.

Turns out there are more japanese fetishizing weebs internationally than there are local fans in japan.

this is a niche japanese game, the comparison to ace attorney was on point. these niche nip games don't sell on xbox. phil probably paid atlus for this game

LMAO japanese people really put the [sad news] in front of an article. I thought it was a /jp/ meme.

>devs want to make the game more visually impressive or design scenarios where there's a lot going on
>can't do that without wasting time on a neutered switch version where it might not even be the same

Can't blame them.

Looks at Soul Hackers 2. So this is the power of the PS5.

I'm an Xbot and I'm happy, not because others are angry.

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yeah because that trilogy was a garbage iOS port with ugly as fuck "remastered" portraits.

this is a brand new game. it'll do a lot better than that.

Not really. Monster Hunter World sales on xbox were tiny compared to PS and PC.


PC USA: 1.616mil
PC EU: 1.570 mil
PC Asia: 2.531 mil
PC NonJP Total: 5.717 mil

Sony USA: 2.392 mil
Sony EU: 1.702 mil
Sony Asia: 1.414 mil
Sony NonJP Total: 5.509 mil
Japan, PC VS PS4

PC Japan: 236k
Sony Japan: 3.184mil

Xbox Base Game 1.789 mil
Xbox IB 448k

it's important to note that these numbers are outdated but you should still get an idea that japanese games sell like shit on xbox

So this... is the power of the PS5...

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There's no excuse for a difference that big between Xbox and other consoles when it comes to sales of japanese games.

There are ~40 million Xboxes out there and almost 120 million Playstations. These numbers are not bad at all relative to the install base.

Parroting shit like "it doesn't sell" makes it look worse than the numbers. Porting fees are nowhere near to what they were decades before.

Japanese obsessed with handhelds as usual

It's like a Chinese knock-off.
God the TMS team is the worst team in Atlus.