What is your gaming drink of choice?

what is your gaming drink of choice?

Attached: milk2.webm (506x900, 2.81M)


Do ugly people drink gay milk?

but I drink milk and I'm not hot

Do TickTokers even play videogames? It seems like they're more into making content


user, you are very hot.

breast milk


Wanna fuck?

That's a man, isn't it? I'm so fucking tired of this degenerate world.

Attached: original.jpg (1078x774, 70.79K)

why is this goblin drinking milk then

Are we getting more of these shitty tiktok threads today or have I just not been paying attention?

Just fuck it if it's cute, I don't see what's your problem.

My problem is I fucking hate homosexuals, retard. I wouldn't fuck it even if it was a real woman.

>I wouldn't fuck it even if it was a real woman.
I'll say.

monster energy of course

Attached: boy.webm (405x720, 2.88M)

>hates gay people
>wouldn't fuck a woman
Uh huh

What's with this board and thinking every woman ou there is a ma...
Alright, I'll give you this one.

Attached: 1643328392600.png (542x595, 547.81K)

Well, if you are a low-t beta you can always become woman yourself.

...ugly people drink gay milk?

Water but unironically
Soda and booze only for when i go out to a dinner or lunch