Have you played Cyberpunk?

Have you played Cyberpunk?

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no but now i think i might

Yes. Twice. Doing my third run now as FemV Nomad. Gonna lez Judy hard

Yay :D

I simply did not talk to this character. Gay.

I'm playing it right now
Well more like I'm modding it right now

Not yet, gonna wait till it's out of beta.

guys real life is kinda pozzed you can choose your pronouns and also wear women's clothes while you're a man

Not gay but WOULD

I have no idea what to think about Cyberpunk 2077. It looks okay, but I will never play it. Mainly because I watched it being played by my (former) housemate.

Everything seemed to be going normally at first. I watched him play through some cool shit where he went through a corporate building, though it was kind of odd because he kept saying everything looked like a dildo, and that isn't his style of humour at all. Then, his character got thrown out into the city, and it all got really weird. there are advertisements in the game which are kind of lewd, in a real sexual-humour type of way, and whenever he saw one, he would stop and laugh at it, in a very real manner, for about five minutes each time. Most of them aren't even funny and I remember one of some...rentboy with the word "whore" on it, being sick, and when I asked why he was laughing, his only explanation was "he's vomiting up cum!". I went and did something else, but he kept playing.

It just got worse and worse, and he would laugh at this one image of a fat guy eating someone's ass (or something like that) really loudly, every time he saw it. When I finally picked him up on it, he got really cold, and said I didn't understand.

I'm not saying that was what soured us as friends, but it was the last memory I really have of him. He moved out earlier this year, and he caught Covid a few months ago. Delta. He was really quite fat and had a bad heart, so he didn't make it. I really liked him, but all the through the funeral, all I could think of was a man-whore sicking up cum.

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Yes, I'm at the last story mission. I'm playing a stealth/cold blood handgunner character. The gameplay and gunplay is actually good. The story is just as long and overwritten as in TW3. The worldbuilding is pretty good imo.

Yes, on my GTX 660 gamemachine

You can, but it leads to unpleasant and sometimes dangerous encounters. In the video game nobody harasses you for it.

Not in the Appalachian expansion. You're thinking about the 21st Century California DLC pack

Romanced Panam and became best buds with my guy River. Simply kino game

The game would have been better if the game director chose a darker and mature society instead of satirical denegerate pozzed culture

>the game would be better if they moved further away from the source material

The source material is decades old. It's not satire anymore, it's real life. Real California makes Night City look good these days

Until I can install a fucking drilldo onto my nipples it's still satire.

Night City is the place where the cops are so inept and corrupt, they are paying Street Mercs to show up at reported Assaults to fucking annihilate everyone involved in it

Nah, our world is much more convenient and profitable for corporations than 2077.
Death squads are not actually cost effective.

It's literally installing on my PC right now. It better be good OP, or else...

last night I saw a streamer which gave her cat a dude's name but the cat is an actual female cat, called her out about this and asked if her cat was transgender, she gave me a permaban in less than 5 seconds

oh and he had a bright pink collar too

You deserve it for watching streams
Report for transphobia, she deserves it for streaming

I have seen how they hire people

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It's pretty OK