Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

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what happened

let me guess, trannies?

OP you cannot just make a vague thread like this and expect us to know what the fuck you're talking about.



Looked it up. A DS emulator was pulled from the Google Play store.

Oh for fucks fake, I actually paid for it too. I need to stop actually buying things from the play store.

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Gee, must suck for the phonefags. Ah well, not my problem.


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Phonefags btfo again. Take the chink console pill it's better to have real buttons anyways.

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as usual this shitty basket weaving forum doesn't provide any details

DS is the one console that benefits on phones due to touch screen and stylus.

Isn’t Drastic the only DS emulator that didn’t have any problems running games? I swear it’s been years and I still hear DS emulation on PC is all over the place

Or you could not be a faggot and buy a DS and flashcard. They're cheap as fuck.

Why should I when I have a phone and stylus? You should try reading your posts before you call anyone else a faggot.

it deserves it. good riddance.
creator promised it would be open source years ago but never followed through.
best wishes to and long live melonds

Nothing stupid me from downloading the .Apk from net tho?

so....what's stopping me from just downloading the apk?
the fuck is wrong with you faggots? Why would you pay to pirate?

I already have it on my phone and abundant apks are on the interwebs

that's cute, melontranny. now back to your corner

>He doesn't know the joys of using original hardware with the screen the game is designed for
DS in particular is shit to emulate. Try again retard.

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Bruh, I play on my phone because I don't want to look like any more of a goof than I may already do. This is what most other people think too and why you hardly ever see switch/gamershit in public.

lmao I just downloaded the apk the other day

>Caring what other people think
Beta alert. Just don't play games at all in public then, phone games are only slightly more socially acceptable.

>>He doesn't know the joys of using original hardware with the screen the game is designed for
Genuinely please explain this to me. I have never understood the rationale behind this if there's any.
>DS in particular is shit to emulate.
Explain this as well. The most I've ever noticed as far as issues go is upscaling being taxing for some reason.

>The way it's meant to be played!™
lol cant believe people still shill that advertising line

I find emulator suit my need better. I kinda impatient and Emulator allow me to speed up the games and skip certain part. Plus the Save Stage feature is better

you have to pay for it?