Why is Link so retarded

She could have had a tatu that said FUCK ME PLEASE and Link still wouldn't have taken the hint. Why is Link so retarted?
>Muh Ilia
Fuck that bitch, oh wait... Link couldn't do that either.

Attached: ReplyToThisPostOrMidnaWillDieInHerSleepTonight.jpg (639x836, 76.92K)

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>Muh Ilia

Also thread theme: youtu.be/NXhzb6dsA9M

Just because a girl talks to you, doesn't indicate she wants to fuck.
Your autism is showing.

Your retarded, every time a girl talks to you that means she want to fuck. And your talking to me right now so prepare your pussy

Attached: Trollage.gif (498x396, 2.93M)

shut your fucking mouth and post horny imp

Attached: 1626020389395.png (474x430, 214.22K)


20 seconds into that vid and I started laughing so hard I my appendix ruptured

wah lah

Tatoo dumbass.

Second, link DID know that she wanted him, she's the one who broke the mirror.
Link's just more focused on saving the universe before knocking up his partner.

closest thing we will get to official porn

Attached: thats pretty lewd.png (470x561, 311.49K)

>Second, Link DID heckin know that she wanted his dick!
Did he really know though? Prost proofs right now.

You don't think that big ass smile of his when he saw MIdna in her true form after the battle, or him cradling midna in his arms after she broke the barrier with the fused shadows meant anything?

Sorry Link will only fuck superior girls and that’s Cia

>When he was tending to his injured friend HE REALLY wanted to fuck her crippled goblin ass
No, I don't think so sweaty

Injured? She was tired at most after breaking the seal.

>Injured? She orgasmed at most after the sexual assault
I don't think so sweaty

>muh Ilia

But OP Ilia got shafted hard on the video game and the granny's gave her a happy ending with shad in the manga?

Also wtf ilia gets too much shade from fans. Poor girl

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There's giantess stuff in the minish cap manga

Hylia will never let an M win

The entire zelda series is a giant divine chess game by a Yandere goddess trying to outcompete her hated rival, Redheads with an M name.

>Demise is actually a physical incarnation representative of M
>Red Hair Demon
>Ganondorf becomes the incarnation of Demise/M and the hatred against Hylia

Would work if he wasn't a guy.

Don't worry lads, we still have one living M in BotW2, Riju, who has wisened up and doesn't use her first name so Hylia can catch on.

Sadly, her name is too long to fit the normal pattern.
Makeela is 2 letters too many. Mipha is your M girl in that game.


Mako is only 4 letters. Also Maple doesn't have red hair (granted she has pink on her outfit). Either way, she's a red head with an M name.