I miss arcades

I miss arcades...

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I miss video stores

>my local arcades have a bunch of mobile-tier garbage of gameplay
fuck you timezone, at least with friends the group based are actually fun

How did arcades get away with blatantly stealing money from children? pic very much related

Attached: stacker-machine.jpg (269x371, 19.74K)


>meme AIDS
what do they sell?

>Get to hang out with my gamer bros irl
>Get to know them better, because there's time to talk about more than just the game
>Get to meet new people with similar interests
They cost a bit but I have money to spare at this point, just wanna get out of this chair.

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itty bitty baby itty bitty boat

This was an edit. The original says Mermaids.

Get good

>35°C while in a fursuit
>meme aids

bitch that stacker game was straight up rigged, there is no gitting gud at that.

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Nah it’s E Z

deep fried twinkies

first time I played one I won it in like 5 tries it's not that hard
of course I never won again since they're fucking rigged but that's not the point

Arcades were so much better for meeting people that like games just like you.
Any Forums has more in-depth discussion, but it comes at the cost of having to swim through trash and having to deal with schizos.
Arcades are raw gaming, raw soul, if someone started schizo-ranting you could just punch him on the face.


What was it like? Smell, atmosphere, sounds, the kinds of people

Attached: Arcade - Hirose Entertainment.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

That's nice. I have this one I can go to whenever I feel like it.

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coughing and loud noises
>kinds of people
minorities and punk kids.

really loud and full of screeching children if they didn't separate redemption games from the actual arcade ones. even then you'd still get a bunch of noise.
it's the kind of place where you very easily lose track of time.

Arcades were/are kikes and no longer have any purpose. They are not making beat em ups, fighting games are extremely limited, racing/shooting cabinets take up so much space and cost so much that no one is making them. Arcades are not even massively more powerful than home consoles anymore.
Arcades are novelty now.
Even the autistic FGC has started to move away from demanding sticks are the only way to play.

I remember getting good at this. The top line was ALWAYS rigged. I'd get a small crowd watching me play it, and I'd always get one away from getting the big prize. Complete scam.


Sad, but true. Redemption games will always be there for quick profit-making but 'first-class' arcade vidya is a bygone era. There is absolutely nothing that you could do in an arcade that you could do at home.

>that you could do at home.
that you couldn't* do at home

In isolation, each element would seem annoying, but everything together turns it into a high-energy but comfy place.

Fuck Yeah, Time Crisis 3!

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>having to wait to play
>barely able to afford shit
>most the games are designed to take your money
>older kids will steal your shit
>get molested by the owner
>can't get away from either because the floor is too sticky

I used to suck dick behind my local arcade for coins. Each load was another go at Daytona USA, good times.

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