I do not care for Elden Ring

I do not care for Elden Ring.

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nobody asked, go off yourself casual honkey boy

Not sure if it's just the well earned pedigree of Fromsoft or the people who worship that fat fuck Goerge but both together borders on insufferable.

Do you want all these shills to starve?
You have to like it.

I never cared for any of the Fromsoft games

>well earned pedigree
As you can plainly see when you look at the PC requirements for this and the state of their games at launch they are completely incompetent and if any other developer were as incompetent they'd be laughed out of the industry. They get by on reputation and difficulty. They were a shovelware studio 20 years ago and they're a shovelware studio now.

Thats not nice. People can be gay, sweetie.

creatively bankrupt
invoke fat white male

Explain yourself, what don't you like about it?

im sorry your gpu only has 4g of vram

How could you say that?

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not like it matters, if a gpu with 4g of vram can't run dark souls 3 copy and paste in open world, then i don't see why it can't when the graphics are just as shit, and the only thing changed was the skybox.

All FromSoft games lore insists upon itself

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At least Peter watched part of the Godfather before saying he didn't care for it

>It's Dark Souls but with the open world memes
I can't believe people are going to pay $60 for this rehash

we know, Any Forumsincel

so incompetent they created the greatest ARPG of all time lmao they suck so bad yeah huh uh huh

never seen faggots so angry a godlike game is coming out. must have mental problems.

It looks and plays like a souls game
I've played enough souls games after beating 3

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Why do you base your entire personality around a game that isn't even out yet? It's not healthy.

it's actually insane how much you can get away with as an open world game, it's like the entertainment equivalent of dating as a 6'4 male.

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I don't understand this post, and I don't think I'm stupid. Do I have to be stupid to understand this post?

lol i have no idea what either one of these games are