Genuine question here

Genuine question here.
Why is Stalin allowed on Steam as an avatar, but Hitler is just not allowed or taboo? And if you upload a custom picture of Hitler you will probably get a community ban.
Didn't both of these people cause millions of deaths in history and are just as bad as each other?
Why's Stalin ok, but Hitler isn't?

Attached: file.png (193x271, 52.93K)

video games?

Attached: 1641391299327.jpg (480x335, 34.9K)

>Didn't both of these people cause millions of deaths in history and are just as bad as each other?
>Why's Stalin ok, but Hitler isn't?
The Allies won the war, therefore they're the good guys and no one thinks about it further.
That's it.

Stalin won, Hitler lost.

Kikes behind this obviously.

Because Jews.

>you will probably get a community ban
Been using this as ny steam avatar for 12 years now, what now faggot

Attached: 1645448810782.png (217x211, 18.01K)

Stalin won WW2

Try with this image instead.

Attached: file.png (1684x2305, 3.54M)

Communists and socialists are really good at propaganda and image cleaning.
One example, Spain. Franco won the war and was a net good in the end for the development of the country despite being a dictator and quite ruthless. But he's the undeniable bad guy, while the socialist republicans that burned churches down, raped nuns and brough a ton of street violence are all ignored and pardoned

That's The Fuhrer, not Hitler.

because stalin is based

history is written by the viktors

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Winston Churchill is responsible for more deaths than Hitler and he's seen positively, unlike Stalin.

Stalin was objectively worse than Hitler


Attached: stalong.jpg (440x440, 54.12K)

It appears my superiority has lead to some controversy.

Attached: 1636838073642.jpg (1536x1590, 451.9K)

How so?

Bombing supply lines and starving 6 million Jews.

Diverted food from India, caused a famine that killed 11 million, and the reason you likely can't walk a few steps without seeing an Indian immigrant.

Hitler is a loser. Stalin is a winner.
Nobody likes losers; Germany hates Hitler because he was a big ol' loser-doser scumbag.