Ok where do I start?

ok where do I start?

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install ubuntu

me not like gnome

if you have to ask, stay with windows

start with the greeks

How much customization autism do you want to start with?

It's not worth it. Linux is a meme for neckbeards and pedos

install ubuntu then install xfce

only criminals want to hide what they are doing

Kubuntu is a nice starting point.

only criminals want an os that actually works without interrupting what you're doing with updates taking all the processing power

Go with Kubuntu or Mint

you mean Xubuntu?

>installing xfce

>os that actually works

no i mean ubuntu then install xfce

If I remember right, they fixed Ubuntu's autism and you can install stuff like kde and xfce without their desktop environment metapackage taking a bunch of stuff to the grave with it.

"Yes! Do as I say!"

>are you sure you want me to fuck your ass with a table leg?

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>mfw used to love XFCE, but with the full GTK3 conversion, it no longer has neither performance nor memory use benefits over KDE while being much less customizable

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im still mad at that faggot
>3rd time his server had total data loss and he still hasnt learned to set up his own raid array


so kde of xfce?

KDE, it looks like proper appealing UI design and the mascot is cute, so you know it's the good shit

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xfce is lighter and more stable
kde is fancier and more customizable
choose your poison

I want to install Konqi

step 1. Install Linux Mint.
step 2. Install steam/lutris/whatever
step 3. install vidya
step 3.5 (optional) install ProtonGE
step 4. enjoy vidya

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the one that (you) find more appealing