I have to kill everyone because they aren't elves

>I have to kill everyone because they aren't elves

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Can't wait for the next game to come out so i can grind his self-righteous face on ground

seems legit
I mean I'd kill everyone that isn't human so it's only fair that he has the same opportunity

>the next game to come out
oh no no no no no

Yeah yeah it's gonna be woke n shit n yadda yadda, anything else to add?

I was only referencing the fact that you're gonna have to wait a lot.

That's not his plan though. He just wants to destroy the Veil and unite reality with the Fade again.

Remember... remember that we once lived

Which will kill everyone except elves who will just go back to being play things of the sealed away elven gods. Unless the dormant dragons are the Elven gods and that's why they call out to the Darkspawn, they hate him and what he did so much they wish to see it all corrupted and destroyed instead of in their control.

>Which will kill everyone except elves
Will it though?

Change elves to white people and i totally get where he is coming from

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Elves are the krauts in that universe so it makes sense.

actually based
actual masterrace

It will at the very least radically change all and any life form, nevermind the natural disasters... so yeah. He even mentions it at the end of tresspasser

Literally yes, outside of mages humans can't exist in the fade without becoming spirits which makes them prey for demons and its not even assured you become a spirit because only the exceptional seem to achieve this. Most mages barely handle their jaunt into the fade for their trial into the Circle, suddenly being trapped their is a death sentence for most. Dwarves are literally children of the stone, lyrium being the blood of Titans is why no one outside the Dwarves who are decendants can handle it safely and even Dwarves have to be careful because they get fucked up if it gets in their blood. They don't dream because they have never been part of the fade and are a manifestation of the material world.


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my husbando

>Only reason he's doing it is because the Elves have jobbed so hard that it makes him depressed
Some master race when the god who sacrificed everything, betraying everyone he knew to free you decides to undo that because of the absolute state you're in. The fucking Dalish wear the slave brands as "culture" thinking they're preserving their traditions and freedom without even realizing what they're doing. Worshiping every god that would have used them as toys and villifying the Dread Wolf despite him being the only one who truly cared for them.

I wish I was doing her with my cock if you get what I'm saying

Retarded zoomer

Aye sorry my bad
Sad boomer

>>Only reason he's doing it is because the Elves have jobbed so hard that it makes him depressed
So basically whitoids right now after bending the knee to blacks
Solas is the representation of the polcuck

No retard, he wants to save his own race but that also ends every other race.

Why? She's fucking crazy and ugly. On top of that she's a dyke. Why would you do that to yourself?