Attached: ya.png (999x590, 1.07M)

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kill yourself

I like Yong because he's like an AI assistant that will read video game related articles im too lazy to read.

Based yong.

>DLCs bad
>Lootbox bad
>Inflation based pricing bad
>Making money bad
>Kojima Good

Yong Out

Attached: Yong Out.jpg (1235x687, 137.42K)

Why is Enrico Pucci covering game news?

Same. By watching him I'm not giving journo sites money.

This shit isn't even new companies have been done this same shit with packages limited edition etc fuck Sony and Yong out!

Hey Yong, how are those taxes treating you?

It is known that he spams blue boards with BBC

Aren't posts like these considered advertising?

I KNEW IT! I Fucking it knew it. Damn it!

I used to watch his videos until I realized that he doesn’t actually play any video games he covers.
Not going to defend Fallout 76 and it’s god awful launch but you could tell that he hasn’t played even five minutes of it.

And yes, I‘m salty that he landed a voice acting gig

Why do people call this cunt a journalist? All he does is read articles written by real journalists lmao what a fraud

>real journalists

Attached: C3F5DF71-DF34-44CC-8854-C66FEBA49DFD.jpg (400x300, 31.96K)

>real journalists

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I prefer Upper Echelon for my gaming news.

your voice doesnt match your face



>And yes, I‘m salty that he landed a voice acting gig
You wanna live in California?

>he doesn’t actually play any video games he covers.
This annoys me to. Why does this faggot make a billion videos on shit like Battlefield when he doesn't play it? Fuck, what does he play?


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Writers with more credibility than some wumao rat who squints at the screen and reads for a living
>muh game journalists
You couldn't do better

This guy takes what should be 5-10 minute videos and rambles on and repeats himself several times until it's an 18-20 minute video