Goes from one extreme to the other rather than a nice middle ground

>Goes from one extreme to the other rather than a nice middle ground

Attached: 1645422822921[1].jpg (1682x1966, 670.38K)

Why do japs give names they can't pronounce? It's not ruke you idiots

I'm not sure what they're going for with Luke other than to pander to zoomers.

Man sf5 looks like ass

Is this achievable natty?

Yes if you are 5'5 or below

If that's really him, than he looks improved in SF6. he just looks like a self insert in SF5.

Honestly I'm digging the bottom because his 5 look reminded me too much of "Axel", even with him going topless. His hair's still meh but if this is taking place right after 3 it's only right some time has passed allowing for changes.


Attached: 320AE4DC-1214-486F-9FE4-C9ED1B43022F.jpg (214x236, 9.27K)

Well at least you can become buff easily user.
The shorter you are the easier it is to get big muscles.

I like his casual clothes. Looks good in the tshirt/ hoodie.

definitely not the forearms or neck lmao

Why's he got all those scars? Where are his tattoos?

This redesign was inspired by this character

Attached: Luke.png (1280x720, 914.76K)

It's called a redesign idiots /s

why did they redesign a character less than half a year old?

Sure, just work out and eat lots of spinach.

That's a very masculine looking character.

>Girls revealed to be censored in 6
Oh God, I can see the endless threads now...

it's a female in that game
but I guess it passes as a male in Street Fighter 6


The guy on the bottom is not Luke. No tattoos.

They just moved the tattoos further up


Attached: unknown (1).png (835x613, 136.48K)

That's a female? Are western gaming standards that low?

Alex got snubbed bros.

Attached: AlexSFIII.png (2000x2164, 2.59M)

>Play video games.