Why did the competitors die off but Pokemon went on to become the biggest entertainment franchise in the world?

Why did the competitors die off but Pokemon went on to become the biggest entertainment franchise in the world?

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Didn't the pokemon games come first?
That's really all it takes.

Aside from the massive marketing campaign including games, TCG and anime? It's probably the monster designs. Digimon for example was mostly made to appeal to boys. Lots mechanized animals with battle armor and weapons. Whereas Pokemon were made with wider appeal.

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They didn't there was numerous other monster franchises that came first.

it was a fairly light-hearted collectathon. The early success pushed for very strong marketing in the west.

Even the anime served as jet-fuel. I wonder if pokemon went the direction in the video below, how it would've turned out.

It was simpler, more focused, wider appeal and had the backing of the console manufacturer who had and still has probably the most good will and rabid fans.

more digestible to the lowest common denominator

Digimon was never as big as Pokemon but it was big. The problem was that it had that anime season that was power rangers instead of digimon

Pokémon had full investments made, with the right marketing and the right timing. I remember strictly not liking Digimon as a kid, and most other competitors don't even leave Japan

Digimon is still alive though.

digimon failed at being consistent
every new game and anime season was completely different from the last

kek at that pain sound its making holy shit that was funny

All the shit they produce is low budget and niche. They've completely given up on reaching anyone who isn't a thirty something shut in who collects figurines or writes yaoi

How hard is it to make a monster/pet collecting game (as a solo indie)?

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digimon was targeted specifically at boys, while pokemon had much wider appeal

Sure it does, whatever fits your narrative.

Disc Creatures was made by one person

Anime matters a lot. Pokemon Anime helped Pokemon popoff to new heights. Digimon anime was alright, but didn't resonate with Pkmn fans.

Also Digimon just has horrible management period

Pokemon had far more marketing and advertising, had more games, better cards. But the shows? (for EST) Digimon came on at like 7 AM. Pokemon came on at 4:30 PM. More kids ended up seeing the Pokemon cartoon.

Yes. To manchilds.

yes, Survive is just around the corner, right?

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Those designs look so damn shit.

DW was jank as hell but I loved every minute of it

Hasn't Digimon recently launched a very successful new card game?

It did.

Apparently it's one of the top selling tcg in Japan