Do people actually play it?

Do people actually play it?

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I do, I like Dark Falz.

yeah. the augment grind is really ridiculous though.

I thought this was star wars from the thumbnail

I heard it was a flop. Should I get into it, the old version or just forget about it?

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I was too disappointed by it
I thought they were actually going to put life skills in the game and have interesting quests...

It's very much just PSO2 in an open world with less to do. My entire time playing it I was wondering why I didn't just play PSO2 as the open world serves no purpose outside of just mindless grinding things with horrible drop rates. The drop rates in PSO2 are actually better than NGS

Is free play it if you want.

Barely. I tried to like it, but I've played the PSU private server more than NGS since the latter launched.

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I still play PSO on my GC/Wii and connect to private servers for online play.

Im already 50 hours in ngs pso2 for some fucking reason every time i want to get in the clasic servers it gives an error.

no casino no play

Will that super game finally give sega sisters a good online game?

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Have you tried installing it through windows store?

This but blue burst. NGS might become good someday but that day is far away, if it all.

No. i already did the first DF run on my server. rewards look eh but i will try to get them
I tried it again recently. started my character as force. and then realised how shit the controller controls are. i have no clue how i used to play PSU back the day with this scheme, like why would you have target mode assigned to back?

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better just ignore this game. NGS is shit and base PSO2 got fucked by the NGS integration.

Ii'm max level on every class.
It has its problems but at the end of the day...

>Love Sega blue skies
>Love Sega music
>Love Sega feeling gameplay.

Lost ark/etc looks so shit (un-sega) in comparison.

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Had 1400 hours in pso2. Quit after 30h in ngs. Just give me ep7 instead of this trash.

How can I play base PSO2 through Steam?

Once you finish ngs tutorial you can use same character in pso2 from character select screen.

There's only nu-Sega left, you're full of shit.

>target mode assigned to back
Maybe the wrong mapping? I know there's a few options in the launcher. I had to use Xinput to make my 360 pad's triggers work, but it seems to operate fine for me.
I was hoping there'd be a focus on instanced dungeons around the world that'd feel like classic PSO/PSU, but it ended up a daily & EQ routine after a few weeks. I'm also holding out hope for worthwhile content in a few years, but I doubt it.

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