World of Warcraft

Was gearscore the worst thing the community ever introduced to the game?

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Gearscore = Soulscore
Item level = Score of soulless

Community = Gearscore
Devs = Dungeon Finder

this one two punch killed the community, which then killed WoW

Imagine playing frost dk at the start of icc
Just use a DK tank for the 20% melee haste..
DK tank & Prot pala
then use a feral druid for mangle
it's not that hard

How is this post in any way relevant to discussing gear score?

tranny has entered the thread everyone time to pack up and leave

it's relevant to the picture

Gearscore is fine, means I can filter out a lot of plebs

Yeah, but it was birthed from the absolutely shit way WoW has handled gear since TBC

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Problem is, WoW have dps check thanks to enrage timer.

Even if you survive by dodging everything, you will still lose if you didn't kill the boss before his enrage begins (usually, after 10 minutes)

This isn't too relevant to GS, atleast enrage timer
It's relevant for skipping tactics though, like Festergut not doing double explode, so people don't have to move as much

It's relevant for like, Deathbringer Saurfang, but if you're reaching enrage timer you should actually kys

The community may have started many of what became core features of the game, BUT the community also had the power to decide to which degree those things mattered or if whether to use them or not in the first place, where as now you(I think since I stopped playing) can't participate in anything if you don't meat the minimum ilvl.

Gearscore and related systems of measuring overall item level are fine because they serve as a shorthand for how 'far' you've progressed your character in a game with vertical progression.

The problem is that the WoW community is retarded and every shitter under the sun started assigning way too much importance to gearscore. To the point where people would equip garbage items for their spec just to qualify for Bobby Greyparse's 10 man ICC farm group.

people will always ruin their own fun
before gearscore they looked at your health
before that they looked at how many epics you had
before that how many blues
before that your level
etc etc

>To the point where people would equip garbage items for their spec just to qualify for Bobby Greyparse's 10 man ICC farm group.
And if they perform poorly they get booted
Gearscore doesnt stop you from doing any of the filtering that existed before it, its just a very quick extra layer

gearscore was inevitable after items got streamlined
wow stopped being an rpg in tbc

carrying shitters and inspecting characters at the bank isnt fun for me, so I'm not sure how gearscore ruined it

>Even if you survive by dodging everything, you will still lose if you didn't kill the boss before his enrage begins (usually, after 10 minutes)
This is a good thing, obviously. Otherwise you could just spend 30 mins dodging mechanics without actually having to play your class properly.

The problem is that the filtering would exclude high-performing players who weren't use trash items just to inflate their gearscore.

But let's be honest, no one who plays WoW is good at videogames.

>The problem is that the filtering would exclude high-performing players who weren't use trash
That's what parses are for.

How is filtering out people who obviously havent put in the time/effort ruining my own fun?
I'd rather wait 5 more minutes for someone who actually put in the work instead of taking the next best shitter who is probably gonna wipe the party and cause us to spend an extra 30 minutes in the dungeon

>high performing players exist
>no one who plays WoW is good at video games
which is it?

It filtered scrubs so it was based

high performing players dont have shit gear
dude trust me I'm really good will never be the basis of pugging

i always find these discussions amusingly foreign because i never pugged
the closest i came to it would be selling boosts, in which case their gear is irrelevant because we could drag a corpse through everything as long as it gave us money
i guess gearscore was only really relevant to low end players?

/close thread

If you are running heroic or the first 3 mythic bosses there's absolutetly no problem in having a shitter, ever, don't care. You are the actual shitter.

This, a good player would never encounter a situation where GS came up. It's solely shitters screaming in the wind.

Yes, by FAR. It has defined the game's direction from that point onwards.

Shitter A got carried eariler in the tier than Shitter B and thinks he's better because of it. Such is life in WoW.

There is basically not a single boss where the enrage timer was relevant in the past 13 years.

What about new players who are perfectly capable of doing raids but are denied entry to raids because they only have dungeon gear?

>i guess gearscore was only really relevant to low end players?
Yes, to 90% of the playerbase.

>There is basically not a single boss where the enrage timer was relevant in the past 13 years.
Do retards actually believe this?

>Was gearscore the worst thing
No, but bitching about gearscore and people who cared for it sure was
The game at higher tiers of play always had gearchecks, usually conducted by raid/guild leaders it took until Wotlk for an addon to be made for this purpose
Let's face it, it's mostly people who were into le
>comfy leveling experience, meeting new people and epic! sense of adventure
crowd who bitch about GS, which is fine, but these people never understood that both worlds can exist simultaneously

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>Raids have heavy DPS checks that REQUIRES everyone to have good gear
>people act surprised when the community demands the players to bring the bare basic gear needed to clear the fights
The only people crying about this are people that wanted to get carried

GS was for shit players with shit gear arguing that they were better than other shit players with shit gear.

No one was requiring basic gear. GS reqs were always outlandishly high to compensate for the fact that most PUGs are garbage.