Are there any games with platinum style combat? playstation or steam only please

are there any games with platinum style combat? playstation or steam only please

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don't post that garbage next to mgr.

it's nowhere near mgr but it was decent

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already played it probably the best suda game desu


I recently played Nier Replicant Remake, and was excited to try Nier Automata just to try it and see that the gameplay is sluggish and unresponsive, and basically MGR with its testicles cut off. It surprised me that Platinum could make a game where the jump takes like half a second to fully trigger.

Also I found it funny that 2B constantly trips up when running due to the wonky collision detection. It became less funny when it started getting me killed.

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Also I like how Yoko Taro is praised as a genius when he shamelessly rips off (not homages) mechanics from games like Metal Gear/Ikaruga/etc and gets away with it every time.


why it's the same combat but better

can I get some recommendations please :(

Dusk Diver and Mitsuguri Kamui Hikae are more obscure ones


>Dusk Diver
looks interesting ty
already played it a long time ago

>mechanics from games like Metal Gear
What mechanics? Metal gears are barely even games, theyre movies. t.MGS1 enjoyer

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>shamelessly rips off mechanics
Yeah, no one gives a shit. He's praised for his storytelling.

Bayonetta, DmC, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Okami, old God of War, Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus and Estival Versus, Ninja Gaiden, Bright Memory: Infinite, Darksiders, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Onechanbara, Sengoku Basara.

played all of those

meant to say played most of those
>Bright Memory
that's an fps it's nothing like platinum games combat

I should say Dusk Diver 2 is coming out soon so maybe wait for that

I'll probably just get both

holding hands with a2!

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why did you list the most well known action games?