Did this game become less fun after NYT acquisition? Because its not as fun as it was before for me...

Did this game become less fun after NYT acquisition? Because its not as fun as it was before for me. Guessing the words just don't spark the same interest like it did before.

Attached: NYT-Wordle-Meta.png (1200x630, 11.93K)

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It's been 4 days in a row now that there are repeated letters. It's just retarded because you completely ignore the letters you already get green, so it's just frustrating instead of fun

Imagine being filtered by double letters

kill yourself if you've played this

im pretty sure its confirmed that the words didnt change all that much aside from a few specific ones that the NYT removed. But the words that have been around the past few days would've been the same had the NYT not bought it.

Well it's not like we'll ever know. But its not the word change, it just doesn't feel fun anymore. Maybe I'm just being autistic.

They started change words shortly after that article went out, ironically making it easier.

We can know for full certainty. All the upcoming words and allowed words are stored in arrays on the page. You can very, very easily just look.

Source on them making it easier? I remember people bitching about how the words immediately after the switch happened were much harder

Here's them keeping it the same kotaku.com.au/2022/02/everyones-convinced-the-nyt-made-wordle-harder-but-its-exactly-the-same/

followed shortly after by them making it easier kotaku.com.au/2022/02/the-feared-nyt-wordle-divergence-has-begun/


>linking kotaku
The absolute state of newfags

They also censored some words.

Mate, it doesn't fucking matter what site is hosting this given how easy it is to validate yourself

Yup, can't start with "penis" anymore, pretty bullshit

nah that's not even true, I've been starting with PENIS for the past week with no problems


Best starters?

lol, dont be surprised when shit like "slaves" and "racist" become words

Have you refreshed the page in the past week?

SLAVE is no longer a word lmao

They definitely altered the word list and have some faggot English major fluffing it. Lots more non-colloquials and just general faggot tier SAT words

>why yes, I do only play sudoku

Attached: m9s38sovsla81.jpg (640x719, 29.9K)

Ah shit, now I don't want to