You cannot save when there are enemies nearby

>You cannot save when there are enemies nearby

Attached: ce09f6ac-pitbull-meets-puppy-2.jpg (700x582, 30.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The genocide has started and there are more of us executioners every day

Do your part and KILL a pit bull today. Adopt from no-kill shelter, handle biz or give to DO KILL shelter.

Attached: dfdsfsdf.png (404x589, 164.83K)

KILL a NIGBULL for Christ

Attached: 1645281216523.jpg (414x421, 28.42K)

I have less than a minute playtime in Dark Souls before I refunded it because you can't pause it. The fuck do you mean I can't pause a single player game. Fuck off.

Good to know ppl actually hate these fucking dogs.

>people are this autistic about a dog

t. pitbull

I'm gonna start breeding more of 'em just to spite you.

I can send them to hell faster than you can summon them from hell...much faster.

Attached: 1644737424164.jpg (1075x1126, 141.11K)

You should see /an/

I GUARANTEE you wont, pussy

It's probably thinking of chomping the heckin pupperink

I can't even understand why would anyone want to have a pitbull over any other dog breed.
The only thing they are good for is killing things, and they are also ugly as fuck.

brave of you to offer yourself as a family meal

When pit mommies breed nigbulls they let themselves be eaten by them to boost the next generation, like the male spider. That's beautiful. Nature is amazin.

Either having a savior complex or they're just fucking insane

Attached: genes.jpg (960x500, 62.48K)


>filename thread gets deleted
>animal thread stays up
i dont have a problem with animal threads but it just furthers my conclusion that jannies are retarded

People dont like when something has a tendency to eat children

Post the webm.
You know the one.

Attached: 1619942502878.jpg (702x702, 57.41K)

Attached: 1615396536281.webm (720x302, 2.5M)

>God Hand high level gameplay.webm

where the pits?



Source ? I need to watch the whole thing, this is art

Man, these Indian tiktoks keep ketting crazier.

they redeemed?

This is pure fucking kino.
What an absolute SIR.