Is Godot or Love2D better for someone new to programming who wants to make a 2D game?

Is Godot or Love2D better for someone new to programming who wants to make a 2D game?

Attached: godot-logo.png (600x600, 19.85K)

Godot is like 40% code
Love2D is practically 100% code

Game Maker.


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game maker is the engine you use if you are new to programming

Game Maker was turned into a subscription and those jews at Yoyo games will figure out a way to kill the purchased licenses people bought on Steam

No, it's a complete mess and ironically you'll have to learn more low level programming because it's so underdeveloped.


Whichever one that makes you finish the game. So probably Unity because it has so many tutorials to hand hold you and supports both 2d and 3d implementation of making games.

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its a painful bloated mess though

How long does GDScript take to learn? I haven't started but it looks overwhelming

Yeah but it has a shit ton of resources in terms of the background coding work to the point where you can probably just make a simple game using their visual blueprinting method and just dropping them on simple assets.

idk anything about love2d but godot is really easy to learn if you aren't retarded.
you might have an easier time with unity. not because the engine is simpler/more accessible to beginners (it's not), but because there's a lot more documentation and video lessons/tutorials available for specifically unity. godot's catching up, but it's still not at the level unity is at in my opinion. godot's scripting is basically python, which is probably the easiest language to pick up.
one benefit of unity is the asset store, you can find free scripts/tools that can cover the brunt of the coding you may have to do. it's still a good idea to learn the basics of c# so you can branch out further, but it's not 100% necessary.
if you're planning on releasing games at any point, godot is probably better for strictly 2d since it doesn't have any sort of licensing fees. unity won't charge you until you make $100k usd.

kek game maker hasn't been relevant for years

>a 2D game
You're better off just learning SDL.+ C or C++

By the time you learn enough of the ins and outs of GODOT or Love2D or what have you, you could have learned SDL + C or C++ and come out with a lot more power and control.

a friend fell for the GM meme recently despite my protests, people just never learn


t. tic-tac-toe dev

post your game

The same as learning Python: months. Which is actually one reason it's kind of fucking stupid that it's "GDScript" instead of literally 1:1 Python.

That said, any thing you want to do will have already been figured out so if you're just copying and pasting code in you'll probably get far enough

you're retarded

Don't listen to this dummy.
If anything make a simple game like pong or pacman in SDL/SFML/Allegro.
Then if you actually want to create something that EVER has a chance of releasing use Godot.
You can spend hours writing your own animation functions and hitbox creation in C++, or you can just drag and drop that shit in Godot.

Starting with GMS2 has really hurt me in the long run. I tried moving to Godot recently and all the sloppy programming tricks I used in GMS2 has me banging my head against a wall with Godot. I'm having a really horrible time trying to do the same things I did in GMS2.