Starcraft 2

Playing the WoL campaign for the first time and holy shit, why was Blizzard so fucking based back then?
>Fighting for FREEDOM
>Badasss white characters with a western style to it
>Stripper holograms
>sexy tattoos
>making fun of CNN
>country music
>making fun of nerds
>the black character is actually cool
what happened to this company?

Attached: WoL.jpg (570x400, 51.54K)

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everything was great except for the writing
>lets kick this revolution into overdrive
somehow someone thought that sounded good and they voiced it and everything

sounds like cringe kino desu user

Yeah killing your friend to simp for some psycho pussy is so heckin based and redpilled am i rite blizzbots?

sorry bud, deus ex prophecy, my hands are tied

>friend taking orders from your worst enemy
wow what a good friend

The hype was real back then

lmao, what a fucking söymale post

>compare time passed between starcraft and starcraft 2 with starcraft 2 and now
>shit bricks

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-10 175452.png (570x459, 400.68K)

Brainlet take. He literally went to prison on your behalf and still hesitates before completing his 100% sane misson that he was being forced to do. He got all the character development of that campaign and they just wrote him off with that piss poor ending. The only redeeming factor was F2P ending right there so I knew not to waste my money

That's because the entire campaign was redone. Initially it was supposed to be non-linear, with various characters offering different missions, depending on their ideology. Tychus was supposed to be the "hard pragmatist".

It's about the last good thing they've managed to do. The jukebox playlist alone is pure soul. I wish we had more modern "Space Western" games.

>the order in question is to kill the xenos
who was the bad guy again?

>back then

holy shit you kids are insufferable, this game was garbage that charged $60 for a third of a game and had no custom content that made the original good, this game marked when blizzard stopped being a good game developer

probably the hypest I've ever been with vidya
I must have watched their first demo mission like 50 times

He actually was a good friend, it's clear he knew he was going to die to Jimmy, why wouldnt he aim at him first instead of telling him, I have to kill her
It's a pretty kino sequence

huh, that sounds interesting. I wonder why they changed it?

its a sad state of affairs when SC2-era blizzard gets praised for being 'based'. This was already zombie-blizzard, we were literally having these same conversations back then. How far have standards fallen that now we look back to it nostalgically?

Nonlinear story = Establishing future events would be a nightmare of taking into account the various choices.

ah, they didn't want to end up in the blue / green / red situation Mass Effect did and have all those choices be pretty meaningless. Good foresight, I guess.