Facebook loses $500 BILLION over the last 6 months

>Facebook loses $500 BILLION over the last 6 months

I sure hope none of you invested in an Oculus.

Attached: Zucc.jpg (464x637, 43.28K)

That's like saying you lost 200lbs cause you jumped in the air.

What's that in percentages? Nobody cares about absolute numbers

naw didnt invest but i did buy a quest 2
so far i've enjoyed about 80% of the time i've used it. plan to play it much more.

Nothingburger. Zucc only gets to buy 14 yachts this summer instead of 20.

that's 40%

I've been buying ;)

>z -ACK enberg

Here is where you learn that they didn't lose anything because that ticker tape isn't realized gains. You dumb fuck.

Facebook was already on a downward spiral before this. Apple's new data protection measures combined with data storage laws introduced around the world were highly damaging to the core business of the company. They desperately needed some new gimmick to get user data.

Now, why they decided to go all in on the VR meme - something that will scare off everyone other than scam citizen whale type people - is beyond me.

Trying to attract the zoomer audience.

Is it gonna keep dropping or should I buy now?

>loses $500 BILLION
They didn't lose shit, it was speculative marketing fags who lost money.

dont buy any tech stock right now

Ironically if Meta were to go bankrupt, it would only be good for owners of Oculus, and everyone else with with VR for that matter

buying a piece of hardware is not in investment you absolute clown

It is when the company goes bankrupt and the device has no servers to communicate with and thus bricks itself.

Google is also updating their app tracking privacy to be more similar to Apple which is a double whammy for FB. Also they have an aging userbase and all the kiddies are now on TikTok.

>Facebook loses $500 BILLION over the last 6 months
So where did all the money go? If it's lost it can be found, right? Are you telling me there are $500.000.000.000 somewhere lying on the street just waiting to be found or are those just fantasy numbers?

Money that was invested

So you're telling me that investors just pulled out their investment?

does anyone want to go looking for all that money?

user people use oculus for anything but facebook stuff

Only if you promise I can have $1 million of it.

I bought one just so they could scan my retinas and eye vein patterns to log them into the cloud

Yes. Now it's back in their hands.

doesn't matter. it's owned by Jews, so government will just print more money and steal more taxes for them

The set works perfectly offline.

>buy an investment for $1000 or whatever
>company takes a hit, the share is now worth $500
>WheRe diD aLl mY MonEy gO?

for one brief moment you are weightless though. It's technically the truth, and as everyone knows, technically the truth is the best, most smug, kind of truth

still need FB though?

nobody is going to care about metaverse
VR is shit and boring after 2 hours.

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