You won't be seeing this in SFVI

You won't be seeing this in SFVI

Attached: STREET-FIGHTER-V-BETA_20151022050103.png (1920x1080, 2.96M)

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FUCK you're right.

Well yeah, Ono got the boot and he was the only reason Mika was in V.

At least we can still look at it in V

Attached: 98806B51-6C7A-4C2C-827E-5E8F790B5BE6.gif (1000x1600, 833.04K)

Good, fuck command grabs.


Attached: licky.webm (400x400, 196.14K)

>It's being released on both PS5 and Xbox
>Xbox and PS will outright make the girls censored
>Only way to fix them is if Capcom is given the go ahead by releasing tons of coomer DLC or modding on PC
Correct me if I'm wrong, the only thing Xbox did to censor Phantasy Star Online was getting rid of the ability to be a loli and those hot spring scenes, correct? Wasn't it revealed that some woke developer for the localization quit or was fired and was responsible for the removal of that stuff?

Attached: female-european-praying-mantis.jpg (1600x1200, 1.2M)

We didn't see it even in V, so what are you talking about. Together with Cammy's visible hardened nipples.

Have you tried playing the fucking game instead of staring at models? It's one of the last genres where gameplay is the focus.

Good, fuck R.Mika I'm glad she'll be gone

right, i wont play it

It's okay, you won't be seeing this.

Attached: cash.jpg (612x597, 45.54K)

You didn't see this in SFV, since they censored it out of the game.


Attached: official art.jpg (720x720, 129.71K)

Was the tiddy jiggle really a bug in SFV?

At this point Only Makoto will make me buy VI now. Unless they somehow make her ugly and flat, and non-tomboy. They wouldn't do that, right?

Attached: 1643476172286.jpg (850x1200, 374.6K)


I won't be smelling it either :(

Only the old 2P bug

command grabs feel weird in 5. theyre so easy to beat. like you dont even jump to avoid them like most other games. just mash punch on wakeup and you win. no wonder theyre all low tier.

look at this perfect whore
this is literal perfection
the ass the tits
its the perfect instagram whore

Even 3S has 6 frames of throw invincibility on wakeup.

Attached: ass.jpg (256x197, 7.51K)

no one likes that game so of course it did it wrong

Every SF had throw invincibility on wakeup. Even ST had it(and of course like everything else it was random).

But why does everyone pretend to play it? Not that I believe them lmao

sf suck then
suk series
i only play series where grappler good
>those are all dead

Play Fighter History

The game will have ass, boobs and bikini outfits + 3 dozen Chun costumes because their costume DLC probably made more money than SFV itself.

Mika herself most likely won’t be in it though, and that sucks you’re right about that.

You will be seeing this in SFVI instead.

Attached: wsqUjKP.jpg (2146x3300, 516.5K)

It's also released on snoy console so it won't. Same thing as before with several games, either you censor it on every platform or you can't release on playstation. And companies don't want to lose profits from one console.