When did gaming hit it's zenith?

When did gaming hit it's zenith?

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zoomies wont remember but everyone had mw2 and the forced voicechat made it so you would end up talking to every type of person and shittalking the fuck out of each other.

Where's Unreal Tournament

Halo 2. This cannot be debated.

With the release of Halo 2.

>zoomies wont remember but
those squeakers you played with were zoomers. of course they remember

It's impossible to make a more Zoomer-tweet

If you were 18 or younger when MW2 came out you're a zoomer.

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Gears of War and Gears 2.

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Unironically now. Battle royale is the shit, and fuck all yall contrarian asses. Miss me with that boomer bo2 shit cuz. Ever since pubg dropped shit been uphill ever since.

Holy fucking based.

*broccoli hair intensifies*

wtf I love steak-umms now

he do be spittin straight facts whether y'all like it or not fr no cap

fucking kek

mw2 was kino.

In the trash where it's belong right next to quake and tribes.

mid 2000s

Why have so many American corporations employed edgy vape smoking zoomers to handle their social media accounts?

That's not even close to being true you dumb retard

BO1 was the best CoD.
BO2 was the worst. Spawns were a fucking mess in that dumpster fire.