Cant wait for the steam deck

Cant wait for the steam deck

Attached: Steam-Deck-pre-production-model.jpg (630x450, 225.63K)

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Steamdeck btfo

Attached: 1645204442979.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)


Attached: 1645254800920.jpg (1564x1147, 223.84K)

>wow look it can play Muh bing bing wahoo game


Attached: 3742893742389.jpg (2232x1686, 925.53K)

this is switch btfo
but also chinkpad btfo cos deck will do the same for half the price

>it's too big. How could you enjoy playing it in bed?

Attached: 1645254891638.jpg (2730x2048, 885.5K)

microsd bros...

Attached: 1645213402823.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Attached: 1641466937584.jpg (1800x2568, 1.02M)


It's fairly well understood to take out your sd card as well as sim card or anything similar when you're going to open things up.

meds now

The duality of man

Thanks for the beta test, faggots.

Attached: 1645255168374.jpg (1400x1400, 185.35K)

I wonder how many of these things they'll manage to sell in total.
I know they said millions eventually, but all preorders over the first year are still a few hundred thousands away from even reaching one million, and you can't expect every single preorder to actually turn into a sale. Plus, the hardware's not exactly state of the art, I can't see it maintaining interest for 5 years like a regular console.

>the hardware's not exactly state of the art
It's still way ahead of the competition

Attached: 1632013459850.png (377x109, 8.84K)

retarded faggot steam cultist for not showing the FULL context in which it dips down to 25 fucking frames LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL<

This is the way im going about it. If the steamdeck does well and the people who buy it geninuely think its worth anything ill grab the steam deck 2 or whatever chinese handheld has the best chips down the line. All that saying, you would be actually retarded to buy a device with such outdated and not powerful enough to push good resolution and fps.

>steam cultist
>"Steamdeck btfo"
illiterate retard

yea fuckoff i exposed your faggot shit you hilariously epic larping retard

I know, but it's already struggling to run the latest games at a correct framerate, and that's only gonna get worse as the years go by.
Valve's not Nintendo, they don't have an army of cultists ready to buy their console regardless of whether or not the games looks like crap. They actually have to put in some effort to attract the sort of customers they're after. Unless the price goes down eventually or they upgrade the hardware at some point, it's hard to picture millions of people willing to buy a deck 4 or 5 years from now.

>it's already struggling to run the latest games at a correct framerate
All the latest games are running at stable 30 though

Yeah, barely, and that's at low/medium settings. And that's all games that are out right now, not the ones that are gonna come out within the next few years. Will it be able to run big unreal engine 5 games properly for example? I'm not sure that's a question anyone can assuredly say yes to.

6 days eh?

>it's hard to picture millions of people willing to buy a deck 4 or 5 years from now
Yeah, just like it's hard picturing people willing to buy an i5 7600K when the 12600K exists. This is not a console, they'll probably make a new one in 1-2 years if this one's successful.

any footage of TF2 on this?

>beta test
youll never own one lmao