ITT: Games that were groundbreaking 20 years ago that nobody talks about now

Attached: PerfectDark.jpg (1280x720, 128.7K)

People don't shut the fuck up about Goldeneye when Perfect Dark was superior in literally every way.

still the GOAT fps

What would a groundbreaking game today be like?

Here’s a bunch of games from 20 years ago, might’ve missed a few but this should do.

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tj8t4It's difficult to contribute to these threads because these kinds of games no longer exist in the public consciousness.

Perfect Dark came out 22 years ago

>20 years ago isn't sometime before the 2000s

Probably because it sucked, boring ez mode pseudo-stealth shooters for consolecucks.

>Parasite Eve came out 24 years ago.
Hold me Any Forumsros

Attached: Parasite_Eve_Coverart.png (300x288, 190.99K)

This used to be a groundbreaking franchise

Attached: 173670-command-conquer-dos-front-cover.jpg (800x920, 166.31K)

Minecraft 2

Why haven't any PC games tried to replicate PD's bots? It was endlessly funny and entertaining watching the way different bots would fight and interact with eachother.

The special missions on N64 were balls as a retarded 8 year old.
Why don't all FPS have counter-coop?
Why don't all FPS have difficulty that makes replaying fun?

It seems to me like a lot of millennials love PD but zoomers have never heard of it

How could we have fallen so far

Chrono Trigger
Blame it on Xbox failing to capitalize on the IPs they own

It really is. The multiplayer was unmatched, single player was hard as fuck. Just an amazing game, one of the best

I talk abut it constantly. Not my fault if zoomers don't know what a masterpiece it is. Reminder that the decompilation project is about 2/3s done, so hopefully by late 2023 we're in a position to make the ultimate version of the game native to PC, with bug fixes, difficulty rebalancing for M+KB, and so on.

>Microsoft making a new one.
>Always on Game Pass

Yeah real hidden gem retard.

Female lead is just shooting yourself in the foot. They've had decades to learn this lesson.

The remaster was done properly. I had a great time going back through it. This guy is exactly right. Even if it did make the system chug a bit when the combat got crazy. The gameplay improvements were enough to make it worth it.