What's in store for techies?

What's in store for techies?

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being deleted

oh boy
patch notes to read on the same day that i use a vpn to unlock elden ring 18 hours early
how exciting
couldn't they drop the notes on tuesday


>another rework
Thanks for reminding me why I dropped this shit game

name a bad rework so far without bringing up tinker

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>Rework Techies
>But not the supreme faggot known as OD
just fucking nerf his infinite mana bullshit please.

His whole gimmick is infinite mana

Techies. Now fuck off

>dotatards shitting up the board
no one asked for this and your mother never loved you

Do you know if you can switch back to your network after unlocking

>one thread

Finally I can ban someone besides Techies.

>put 1k hours on dota2 ina year before ranked arrived.
>had to stop because my internet provider shat the bed and i had shitty internet for months
> came back last year and found out how different the game was.

it was a weird feeling, i also wasn`t able to find a match at all.

>implying it's a bad thing that they rework existing heroes instead of adding a new one every other week like every other moba


yeah, and remove meepo's ability to have clones too. remove techies mines, tinkers rearm, and enigmas blackhole while we're at it.

you can do the following:
open steam online mode with the vpn
decrypt the game while connected to the new zealand pipe
click 'go offline' while still connected to the vpn
once in steam offline mode, you should be able to click 'play' for elden ring. do so. start the game.
once you're in, turn off your vpn. do not close the game at this point or else you will have to wait for your respective timezone's unlock. but once the game is launched they can't stop you. play in this offline mode until the official release time for your area.

dota has such an awful artsytle

>absolute death sentence once he gets meme hammer
>pure damage nonstop, meaning the only way to counter him is BKB
>BKB wears down to a 6 second timer near instantly
This is also ignoring how his astral prison is a free get out of jail card for him with blink even if you lay down CC like Jakiro's ice and fire.

give me an example of what you consider a good artstyle

Wait. People actually play Dota?

I only agree with you because of cosmetics. The default hero models (at least at first) were built upon design techniques similar to painted miniatures, which worked very well for readability from a top-down camera.

It was never about balance, it was always about keeping things "fresh" (aka pointless updates to package along with the hats.)
When I realized this was when I quit the game, and I'm much happier for it.

they dont need to rework od, just delete meme hammer from the game and it will fix him, there is literally no neat for this item besides maybe treant

>Spiky bomb bra

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techies cucks absolutely seething
>b b b b b bb b bb b but its league nowwww
>b btbbb b bsbbdbtbbtbtb btbb but what if u removed rage from le naix?? or bear from le druid???
nobody cares faggots, time to learn a real hero

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It's also niche on SD as well. It's an incredibly shitty item though that serves no purpose other than to be a pain in the ass. The fact he killed Necro book but left meme hammer in is baffling.

Fucking great. Reddit once again making Techies even shittier.

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