I finished The Surge 2 earlier. The ending was a bit of a letdown...

I finished The Surge 2 earlier. The ending was a bit of a letdown, considering that it is not explained what exactly you are; I assume some nanoconstruct that Athena made, similar to Bioshock II: Minerva's Den, and you only get a few lines. I killed Eli so I'm not sure if he grants more lines but I doubt it. The game was a fun journey. I especially enjoyed seeing different parts of the city when you're in/at different levels/zones of the game.

I'm restarting my Surge 1 file and trying to grind easy scrap with This One Simple Trick I found online before I throw myself at the first boss to get his 2.0 weapon.

Attached: surge.jpg (2000x2000, 589.29K)

underrated games


Amen. They deserved better.

it's amazing how hard the surge games filtered people
the sheer weight behind your blows gives it some of the best feeling combat i've ever seen

I liked how I could compare any item I owned, or could make, at any level of upgraded status, at any time.

I dropped Surge 1 when i got to the top of the corporate HQ. What does Surge 2 do better or different?

It is much faster paced, for one. Combat feels a lot quicker and more responsive, less clunky. There are shitloads of shortcuts, to the point where it's arguably overwhelming and some important ones are too late in the game to matter.
You even have a sidequest where you help the MC of the first game.

The Surge 2 is way faster in combat with a lot more equipment. The combat also made parrying be a primary feature of it to the point that you get an implant early on that shows you the direction to block, when, and has an enormous parry window. It also got rid of weapon proficiency so you can use whatever you want, and it focuses a bit more on your Implant loadout. It also gets easier and easier as the game progresses unlike The Surge 1 where it sort of stays the same difficulty throughout.

The issue is that it's worse in area design to the point that it has a bunch of unnecessary shortcuts that you will almost never even touch, the areas in general feel like giant masses of dead ends, bosses are much easier and less punishing, a ton of weapon types became worse because of the new speed (Especially Heavy-Duty and Single-Rigged), they have dozens upon dozens of armor sets but there's really only a couple that are even worth using, and the DLC is very short but okay.

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Isn't armor in the first game useless?

I did Kraken yesterday. It was alright. Painfully short. Red Hot Poker best weapon though.

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No. You take less damage the heavier they get at the cost of more stamina drain and power usage. The medium and heavy armors have some of the best full set bonuses (Like the Black Cerberus set for heavy and MG Gorgon for medium).

If you get The Good, The Bad, and The Augmented DLC then you can also negate the weight of the legs + hat while still keeping the full set bonus because the equips you get from that are set-agnostic meaning they count as a part towards whatever set you have equipped while having heavy armor stats but light armor weight. It's why all builds after the DLC came out look like this with you being a buff cowboy.

Attached: The Surge_20210325083634.jpg (1920x1080, 845.24K)

What are some early game pieces to look out for?

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The Surge 1 would unironically be better than Bloodborne if it had real bosses (I assume they didn't have the budget to really clone Bloodborne's bosses).

MG Gorgon. You can get it as soon as you get to the med bay in the hub. Aggro one of the security guards (You have a lot of ways you can do this) and then lure him away and try to chop the body bit off so you get what you need. Once you kill the two there you can then go kill the three guarding the HQ entrance (Down the two ramps, take a right all the way to the end, left for a couple steps, go right a bit then turn immediately left, go down the ramp, turn right and go forward, turn right and go up the ramp, they're on your left).

It's an amazing armor set, grants a faster stamina regen if you have the whole set, has good defense, and is reasonable in terms of power cost.

I assume the actual 'hub' is something I'll find later on.
I just killed PAX and I'm pleased with myself because this shit filtered me a few weeks back to the point where I went ahead and played the sequel first.

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The hub is immediately after you take the train after the PAX.

Okay cool. I'll be heading there shortly. Time to use the Imperator 2.0 for most of the game.

Oh yeah, you can add your own songs to play in medbay rooms. I wish more games offered shit like this.


I used that and Lynx for the whole game. It's great. The faster attack swing means you get to stunlock everything to death provided you get the first hit in.

A variety is nice.
Good to hear that I can get decent long-lasting gear so early.

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I dropped 2 because as bland as the first one was the layout in 2 is so much worse. Even with that shitty map I had no clue where the fuck I was or what I was supposed to be doing.