Bloodborne is 7 years old

>Bloodborne is 7 years old

Attached: Bloodborne---PlayStation-4[1].jpg (1524x1899, 317.5K)


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>No Pro patch
>No PC port
>No PS5 patch
Sony either hates the game, forgot it existed or it sold like shit

I'm never going to play this because I refuse to buy a PS4

For real why the fuck do they ignore it?

Bluepoint will "remake" it at some point

imagine having to repeat this statement for 7 years lmao

but is it fun?
art looks good but I don't ever imagine it being a fun game

>Bloodborne is 7 years old
>Still can't play it in good quality and fps.

I'm still mentally a child. Anyone else feel like this? My childhood was pretty uneventful and it felt like it end before it even started. Now I'm a 20 year old and I feel just, undeveloped. I remember playing Bloodborne when I was 14 when it come out, now it's been 7 years. What the fuck?

Attached: 42624624.jpg (789x1104, 95.17K)

If Bloodborne is so good how come I dropped it after the Cleric Beast and Father Gascon?

And I'm in my 20s now, 7 years isn't old to me

>is 21
>feels undeveloped
Yeah no shit nerd
Wait a while
Live life. It all gets real depressing real soon.

lmao cope, you got brutally FILTERED

maybe some licensing shenanigans I guess?

Did it even get a performance port on the PS5?

you don't like gothic horror settings and fast paced combat

Nope. But it does run at a stable 30fps on the PS5 instead of the horrendous drops it had on the PS4.


wait until you're my age user, I'm turning 30 next year and I have no life experience except for a year and a half of working

If ever I feel down I just come to Any Forums and see how grim it could be. Thanks fellas