Nintendo? More like reuse assets from my last software

Nintendo? More like reuse assets from my last software

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Best Zelda games.

Dumb ESL

I’m happy that I have all three, but I am terrified when the save batteries finally fail. At least I have all three on my 2DS.

Why? The batteries can be replaced. Is the save data really that important?

If you actually played video games you would know this is a widespread phenomenon. Doom 2, New Vegas, the list goes on.

File 1 of each cartridge were played and finished by my dad. I inherited my dad’s love for Zelda when I was a kid.

It's amazing how Gameboy games manage to have more interesting, tactical, and creative combat than any of the Dark Rolls games.

I have unused jp copies of all three (plus the original link's awakening)

Its easy as fuck to swap in a new battery. God, you zoomers are so pathetic.

>LA: gameboy graphics
>LADX: colorized gameboy graphics
>OoA/OoS: gameboy color graphics

That sucks. I mean, the batteries failing is a when, not an if. If only there were some way to switch them out and keep the save data.

Dump the saves so you can keep them safe. You can do it with a cheap ~$30 flashcart.

i miss cartridges so much

Why? They still exist.

Continue the list please

Two of those are Capcom games.

More reuse assets from last software, please

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Why do people care about reused assets?

Anyone who wants every element of a sequel built from the ground-up despite the game being similar to the original design and specifications, should never ever ever ever be in a position remotely close to game development. Or any development for that matter.

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This, wasting effort doesn't necessarily make a game better

who gives a shit about reused assets when the games are good?
not like there are only 3 zeldas total in the franchise either
and then with games like majoras mask, it's even better than the first game