Spend all my time playing multiplayer games I don't like because my friends play them and I'll be left out if I don't...

>spend all my time playing multiplayer games I don't like because my friends play them and I'll be left out if I don't play too

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Stop playing shit
fuck your dumbass friends.

they're all I have

Be happy you have friends.
Enjoy the games with your friends, do stupid shit and laugh about it. Me and my broskies use to set up ambushes on old PUBG and it was the funniest shit ever.
Don't play to win, play to have fun because relationships with people that you like is more valuable than anything.

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>don't play to win, play to have fun
they get titled and mad in VC when we lose

Are you competitive too? If not, stop playing with them. Playing with cry babies like that gets exhausting pretty quick. I remember I use to play with this person who would start boiling and would cause arguments because we were losing meanwhile the rest of us were laughing and cracking jokes at eachother.

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>another philosophy Any Forums thread

This is wrong, be happy you have friends but also be your own damn person with a backbone not to play shit.

did that with Destiny. wasn't willing to buy the dlc's so i stopped

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Bruh, it's not the video games it's your friends. I use to play Warzone with my buds and I had tons of fun because it was funny just fucking around.

Just tell your friends what you want to play? It's not that hard dude.

>spend all my time playing singleplayer games I like and because my friends can't play them with me and I'm left out since I don't play too

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>Spend all my time playing games i enjoy
>None of my friends have the interest on a single game i play
>Feel somewhat okay but overall empty

was it happier after you finally stopped

dont listen to him, user. you have to do your best in every game! or else you will end up telling people in dungeons they dont have enough DPS (cause you are "better") or worse: getting owned by me in PvP so badly

me but i only play a single game and by my age everyone is a wage slave or a drug addict

>friends don't even play video games anymore
I swear I don't even know how this happened, we use to play video games all the time together.

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haha pleb sympathizer

Fucking normie
>Ohhh boohoohoo I'm so sad guys LOOK AT ME I HAVE FRIENDS OH BOOHOOHOOO

>Mostly play singleplayer
>Play whatever online stuff my friends ask though
>Finally find a game that I like and is matchmaking and decently alive (Hunt Showdown)
>Friends won't even consider getting it

And that's how I quit playing stuff they asked me to unless I actually think I will like it myself.

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>refused to play games I didn't like with my friends
>now I'm alone
They're my old guildies from WoW and they just play twitch fotm all the time

>Playing shit because friends play shit
>feel like shit
There is your problem and the answer to said problem, grow some balls and get some sense of individuality.

>having friends
Look at this faggot

How old are you? This happened to my friend group in my early twenties once they got a taste of normiedom, but now we’re on out late twenties they’re all coming back to gaming and are even building gaming PCs.
None of them want kids either. This is the best time in history to be a manchild.