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Xbox 360 backwards compatibly is worth more than any number of snoy tranny games

This is the guy who sent death threats and switched sides because Phil called him out for complaining that Quantum Break was coming to pc

I honestly thought console wars went extinction. Sony and Microsoft are barely even in competition anymore.


I heard Nothing was really good though. No day 1 patch bs or anything

I'm not the one wasting time on Microsoft paint memes to "own" Xbox on Twitter

>Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
uhhh snoysisters???

Why do people get pissed when Snoy or Xbone make exclusives, but it’s par for the course when Nintendo does it?

This board it's pretty much nintendo fag 2.0 at this point

ironically, horizon is not a great game


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What PlayStation game came out in December?

Kek, based

>she says, in a Snoy thread

I don't see any games mentioned in that Twitter post.

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But Elden Ring is on PC and Xbox too?

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I don't like Colin Moriarity but it was pretty based when he btfo this clickbait faggot.

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I choose nothing.

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Xbox is all about those free games on gamepass.
It doesn't matter they don't get big exclusive games anymore.
Seethe and cope.

PC soon too.

If I took that dress off would he die?

>It doesn't NEED to have exclusives

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it would be extremely transphobic

Aren't these people all supposed to be descendants of super weak nerdy people

Literally worse than nothing.

kek, holy shit.
Leave to sony to transform a game that supposed to awe the entire community with it's technical prowess into a complete joke.

Dunno about descendance user but i think a tribal, brutal life with the types of mechanical predators the game present itself would probably harden anyone.
I mean, shit just look at the arms of the pepperoni boy up there.

I'll pick nothing to not waste my money

Isn't Elden Ring also on Xbox?

>That will be $70 dollars plus tax.

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For the last 9 years, since the Xbox One launch, every month has been Laugh-At-Xbox month.
An entire generation where the only game to play was the waiting game. It is absolutely baffling to me people would still beat on this dead horse.

Reminder that after half a decade and over 100 billion USD in acquisitions, the number of Microsoft exclusive games resulting from those purchase is still zero.
Some Sony studios put out two games in the same time-frame.

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For you.

>games to choose
>shows one
>only choose to buy it because you feel obligated to paypig for your desired company
Can't wait till you have a new mediocre title to jerk off to in 3 years and forget all about this trash.
Any Forums hasn't needed 10 pages to go through for years now with how little comes out nowadays, fuck videogames goddamnit.

>Reminder that after half a decade and over 100 billion USD in acquisitions, the number of Microsoft exclusive games resulting from those purchase is still zero.
OK, but Sony hasn't put out a good exclusive since Bloodborne. In order for "muh scloosives" to function as a viable argument, the game would have to be GOOD. Horizon being an exclusive doesn't make it good by default. The one fucking footage of the pen-ultimate boss consists of him glitching out and not moving, yet Sony wants people to pay $70 FOR THAT.