Why is everyone who has this guy as a pfp guranteed to be retarded?

why is everyone who has this guy as a pfp guranteed to be retarded?

Attached: him.jpg (210x240, 13.13K)

it's the personification of someone trying to tell you they're red pilled without saying it

There's some asshole YouTuber who asks all of his fans to use JC as their profile picture. I forget his name.

Max something

It use to be a based meme, but then some pedophile indian stole it and made his mindless drone fans use it too. They aren't as common, but there are still remnants of them everywhere.

mostly for meem value
>haha hey guys am I sophisticated enough for you? I have JC as my pic!
>no, I haven't played the game, the graphics and gameplay are too ugly for my tastes but I have watched all the philosophy dialogues on youtube

I have contamination and mutants in my brain

>pedophile indian
He's a proud Swede

oh yeah yeah

Attached: 1645183779519.jpg (600x733, 29.17K)


Attached: 481.gif (890x890, 168.51K)

Just another parasite.

Forgive my interruption, my vision is augmented.

thank you for the rare jenstanza, user. Checked and saved.

Number 1: That's terror
Number 2: That's terror

word number 1: new york
word number 2: city

can you repeat that question?

oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah

how did JC become a zoomer thing when deus ex is zoomer repellant

because pewdiepie and other pedo youtubers

lol Deus Ex is one of the zoomer "classic" games out there, like Morrowind. If you're young and you're big into PC gaming like me, you've probably played it. It's not exactly an obscure title

Yeah what the fuck, how can I project my sophisticated aura with a Deus Ex profile pic now? Fucking zoomers ruining everything

oh yeah yeah

Attached: denton you mad.jpg (600x765, 28.84K)

Conspiracy theories became popular as a meme format on social media websites, and Deus Ex has a variety of them as well as "based and truth" things, including cutting out the twin towers before 9/11, the idea that a shadowy cabal is controlling the world and so on.
It used to be mild and okay but then the pandemic happened and now the only thing zoomers parrot is the Gray Death and Ambrosia, and most Deus Ex threads just lead to "evil rich people rule the world" which turns into "jews rule the world and the american liberals are their puppets" which then invites Any Forumsfaggotry that completely derails the thread, an incoherent and useless mix of trolls and zoomers shitposting at each other.
If there's a game that predicted the modern reality any better it's Metal Gear Solid and how retarded the modern web is when you can just screech about obviously wrong shit and reinforce your shit opinions in echo-chambers, and how you can simply cite completely contradictory sources as the basis of your opinions and thus there's no way for anyone whose opinions stem from a different set of sources to argue with you other than to get you to change your source.

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