Hear picrel is one of the best games ever made

>Hear picrel is one of the best games ever made
>play it for myself
>Pretty good story and characters, gameplay carried by the vampire abilities
>Buggy as shit, broke on me three times
>Shitty unskippable boss fights where I repeatedly die until I find the AI exploit

It’s a great game but I don’t see why it’s held in such high regard, and it’s not even close to the best game I’ve ever played

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setting is just that good

I have yet to try this one. Whenever I see videos I get excited to try for the overall art style and ambiance of the game but then I see gameplay and think nah

Its got more going for it than just gameplay. Do it!
I've been putting it off since ever and I played it last year and it was great

play it so you can talk to the fun characters at least

>gameplay carried by [the main gameplay mechanic]

but yes, the action mechanics themselves arent the point of the game (i liked them tho), and some parts (like the doors) feel dated and buggy. also some of the later levels suck ass because the devs ran out of time.
it's all about the worldbuilding and role playing which are both some of the best in gaming.

i'm a zoomer who loves dark souls and the witcher and after i was done shitting on the dated engine and annoying boss fights i enjoyed this world so much it's one of my favorites

Oh I definitely will someday bros. Is there any recommended mods besides the unofficial patch?

>j-just turn your brain off and immerse yourself in the setting!
fuck you still playing cyberpunk 2077

clan quest mod

don't even install the unofficial patch plus.
mods are there for the autists who just can't stop replaying the same game hundreds of times.

Malkavian path is glorious.

>Do first playthrough with a Malk
>Now I can't play it again with a sane character because feels more grey and boring

Yeah I fucked up that one


Did first play through as a malkavian. I didn’t realize that your speech pattern was because of being a malk and thought that was just how your characters dialogue was written

I thought I had a glitch because I couldn't read well the dialogue lines

Yeah, the combat in this game does suck dick and the game is pretty buggy, especially without the unofficial patch. I've still beaten it twice, it's a fun game with great atmosphere.

I just bought and I realized I can't play it without paying 20 times the price of the game for Parallels. Fuck M1

Sounds like you didn't use plus patch, which is a good thing. You are one of the few new players who player the original. I'm impressed!

No game is perfect. It's good games like vtmb exist. Where bosses appear you misleveled for. I hate modern games that are either a cake walk because the game is ballanced so you can never fail or the whole difficulty is a blurry mess.

i have no idea what you're talking about

Top 5 games now, user.

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i was unironically stuck on the fucking chinese WHORE boss fight for the better part of a day

kys stupid mutt

i hate the chinese vampires, who thought they were a good idea

dumb mutt