Fucking kneel

Fucking kneel.

EMPRESS is back and has mercilessly dabbed on Rockstar once more and harder than ever before.

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Bro you sound like you can't handle people stealing from your beloved Rockstar.

I'm not reading all that

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I didn't think RDR2 had Denuvo.

Thats a whole lot of cringe. glad hes enjoying it tho

call me when she cracks something released this year

fake and gay

Attached: empress-gay.png (640x1800, 51.11K)

Don't care, crack Jurassic World Evolution 2 or fuck off

>join my reddit community

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>10 seeders
>112.8 GB
yeah I'll probably just buy it

Isn't it already cracked? Where the fuck is deathloop?
>inb4 it's bad!!
don't care i like every arcane game.

>censored reddit version
post the original you cocksucking faggot nigger

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the only based tranny

“Gay” is not a swear word

>nothing about jews

gay? What?

>want your game cracked? Pay me 500$! Lol
If I am paying for piracy things are officially gayer than just buying from a store.

>Cracked literal Ubishit game from 3 years ago instead of New MonHun or Dying Light 2

Piracy is still dead.
He cant crack newer games

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can't say the g-word on r*ddit

oof, that's not good

Maybe some cuck paid >her to crack it

Bro, pay her 500 and it'll be done

>Pay >her 500 and it'll be done
>Pay >her 500 for a game you want for free

Well you can always dilate about it instead.

Fucking faggot redditors are all complaining about muh homophobia!!! while being morally dubious pirating a video game. I fucking hate those niggers so much.

>morality of capitol/property =/= morality of social heiarchy
Apples and oranges my dude.