Sonic 2

I have one problem with these movies so far: there are no memorable scores being done. The Sonic games were very known for their music, and so far we barely got anything resembling a sonic-tier track. Instead of a tune from the sonic games, we got Gangsta Paradise for trailer music. Are the hollywood execs so out of touch that they don't get this?!

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There was a small greenhill in the first one

They need to get Nakamura to make music

Missing the classics man

The Eggman theme was relatively memorable, though generic. It's not often you hear that kind of old-school oompah oompah villain theme anymore.

It being generic was exactly what pissed me off about it. The bottom of the barrel tier hollywood stock music.

Simple reason: Mass market appeal. In your bubble, video game music may seem amazing to you. But to a wider audience made up of non gamers and people of all ages, playing it safe with known actors, popular catchy songs and predictable storylines is right out of the Hollywood moneymaking playbook.

That's the thing. None of the music would make the movie worse. In fact, it'll likely make it better. Imagine the fight with Knuckles playing the Sonic & Knuckles Boss Music, or fighting against Robotnik using one of his boss themes. Hell, imagine during the first movie Sonic cruising through all those settings and each one carried with it a music from a game of the same area (the city, the forest, the desert, the ocean).

Most people know who Sonic is.

The guy who composed the first movie said in an interview that he initially wrote a score based around Green Hill Zone as a central theme, but they couldn't use it in the end (i.e. Paramount found out that Sega doesn't fully own the music from Sonic 1 and 2 as said "fuck that" to paying some Japanese guy to use music in a movie that might have flopped anyway). I imagine that short piano rendition of Green Hill in the first movie is a remnant of that.
However the sequel's first trailer had Emerald Hill Zone as a central theme, so Paramount is clearly fine with paying to use more Sonic-sounding music now, as the movies are likely expected to bring in respectable bank anyway.

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>i.e. Paramount found out that Sega doesn't fully own the music from Sonic 1 and 2 as said "fuck that" to paying some Japanese guy to use music in a movie that might have flopped anyway
wait is that real? Like really?

There's also this:

Is what real? Sega not fully owning the soundtrack to Sonic 1 and 2? Yes, that's always been the case.
Or are you asking if Hollywood executives are Jews? The answer to that is also yes.

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before the mario movie was announced people here always joked about a kesha song being in the trailers because that music is the type that would get the mainstream audience.

I dont even know what mainstream even means anymore. why use such trash music

Yes, marketing in an appeal to the majority is fundamentally dysgenic for goods because the majority is always lower quality than the select few autists who actually give a shit.

>than the select few autists who actually give a shit.
Im sorry, but if motherfucking MICHAEL JACKSON loved sonic, Im pretty sure there's millions of others who did too.

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Sonic 1 and 2s soundtracks were composed by Masato Nakamura, from the band Dreams Coms True which is like super popular in Japan. They have to pay him royalties whenever they want to reuse music or some shit. The whole reason why Sonic 3 ended up with Micheal Jackson was because Dreams Come True was getting popular af and naturally Nakamura was asking for more money and SEGA didn’t want to pay him that much. In classic SEGA fashion they ended up getting the most popular musician on the planet instead lmao.

kek imagine being nakamura at that moment

>psh, sega wont be able to find another musician like me. Im the best theyll ever get
>MJ has now joined sega for sonic 3

If there are two things I don't trust gamers to talk about, it's movies and music. The first Sonic movie sucks and the second one will suck even more, but you'll all eat it up because you recognize even more things from the video game than the first one. Video game OSTs are overrated as fuck and you nerds only like them because your anti-social tendencies have caused you to stay away from most contemporary music.

>Video game OSTs are overrated as fuck and you nerds only like them because your anti-social tendencies have caused you to stay away from most contemporary music.
Im sorry, I cant hear you over how based sonic music tends to be.

If you're talking about music from the genesis era, yes. If you're talking about music after that, you're an embarrassment.

You sound like someone who didnt play the games after the genesis era. thats okay, youre prob one of the mainstream audiences

>Are the hollywood execs so out of touch that they don't get this?!
don't forget they got two of the same rappers who did the tmnt song to do the sonic one:
and keep in mind that song and gangstas paradise were what they thought were suitable for sonic's original design

>and keep in mind that song and gangstas paradise were what they thought were suitable for sonic's original design
I hate hollywood so much

>you know what would go great with sonic? Nigga music!

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