Are you ready for the biggest hardware flop since the WII U?

Are you ready for the biggest hardware flop since the WII U?

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what, the Stadia?

looks comfy
im actually making use of the steam collection feature while waiting for the big picture mode update in conjunction with the deck release

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Oh I'm going flop that hardware so flopping hard.

im ready for a cozy gaming device to enter the market and for portable PCs and linux to really be able to hit their stride.

I don't even think they have en produced as many as the wiiu.
The reality is the production is very limited.
All we will have to go on is the amount of units actually sold instead of just the $5 pre orders

the year of the linux desktop shall be glorious

i don't think linux will ever have a "year" (it will likely be in the span of a few years at least),but i think there will be a point where using it will just be seen as normal,and that time will be glorious.

No, I am however ready for a Nintendoid meltdown and flood of tears.

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with yuzu and cemu optimizing for deck,the tears will be amazing.

Cozy is a good word for it, because the sales numbers will be nice and cozy. This system has zero mainstream appeal.

why would it flop?
other than being unavailable in some countries

Ouya 2.0 right here.

>This system has zero mainstream appeal.
a gaming PC with console UX for 400$ has a ton of main-stream appeal.
especially for PC gamers that already have like 50-300 games,that at worst (assuming only 60% of your games will work on deck,which is a major under-estimate,it will be more like 80-95%) translates to like 30 - 180 games at launch for the device.

(cont. )
and that doesn't even include the deal of free online and cheap steam games,or all the features PC provides.
its honestly an amazing value,and im still not including emulation or other stores (other than Xbox,all other stores work with lutris OOTB).
and even then im assuming windows won't preform well enough to be usable (which may be wrong) or Xbox won't put its store on linux at all.

no matter which way you slice it,its a great deal for the average player.

Yes the system is total trash. Make sure to cancel your reservations.

>Wii U units sold:
>13.56 million
I wish the Deck would flop this hard

I don't want it to have mainstream appeal. Game going mainstream has brought us to the current era, in which everything being released it's at best medicore.

That's just your depression and stubbornness about not taking your meds.

The ouya is re-releasing?

That doesn't invalidate what I said.

Why do you schizos think anyone who isnt getting one cares if it succeeds or not? Chances are you are just being trolled for being a steam drone and its easy to trigger you retards.