Should "griefing" be a bannable offence in video games?

Should "griefing" be a bannable offence in video games?

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Not my problem

How are you supposed to get rid of cooking oil then?

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Drink it, don't be a pussy

drink it like a man

What if I don't want my arteries to look like that?

i missed the part where that's my problem

What you should do is put it into a container until it hardens enough to a solid state and then toss it or reuse it for something

I'm so fucked up...

This is why china will win, they would have reused that oil.

Not allowing you to host your own server where you can decide the rules should be a bannable offence.

Hey if they want us to rent forever and live in the pods and eat the bugs and work our jobs and pay taxes for more nigger welfare, they can have their contractors come and unclog the pipes. thats the price

Convert your car to use it for fuel.

Should it be bannable?
No, but the game should allow the griefed get revenge on the griefer if possible.

What are some good games to grief? Anyone have any strategies they want to share? Idle hands are the devils playthings.

>Never pour grease or oil down the drain
>Line from kitchen sink still gets clogged eventually
>Have to pay hundreds to have it cleaned out
Now I take a paper towel and wipe any extra food residue off of anything that gets washed in the sink or put in the dishwasher.

I mean yes, but not from the pan. They suck it back up from the sewers

>pour grease down the drain
>I cant see it anymore so it doesnt exist
Haha, bye bye grease!

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It shouldn't be bannable, but it should be limited to designated lawless servers.

No, but they should give players effective way to control griefers themselves
Blacklists / kicks / filters

>Reminded of Chinese gutter oil vids.
Fuck you, user. Chinks are disgusting.

Only if it involves hacking or using cheats. Using game mechanics to "grief" is just called playing the game. If the devs don't like the way you play the game they shouldn't have designed it to be possible to play that way.

people think once it hardens that a plumber is going to have to knock down the wall and re lay all the pipes and shit, this is not the case. They just run a snake thing through it to clear it out.
Having said that, it's still something i do whenever i've gotten eviction notices and shit.

>cooking oils
does cooking oil not refer to vegetable oil? that doesnt clog pipes

i dab the grease from my pizza using a napkin

I'm more concerned about my arteries after seeing that.

Ah yes, the Ullillillia Degreaser maneuver.

Absolutely, it gets these kids ready for society and the real world.

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Wipe it with paper towel and throw it in trash

Honestly this.
Don't punish players for using features within the base game.

make soap lmao

jamal is the smart one

Requesting the gif/webm; who's got it?

>draining your grease
Let the meat reabsorb. It adds flavor

>This is Officer Johnson, He waits for Jamal

>gun costs less than the iphone
>gets both for lower price
Yeah he is

Why would you throw your pizza in the trash?

Pour it into a jar until it's full and then throw it in the trash.

I bet this would feel fucking AMAZING to stick your cock into.

At least until the e-coli hits.

audible kek

Just like any other rule, it should be up to the developer. If a dev wants to make a game where people are free to be assholes to each other, so be it. Same for the opposite. What's important is that the rules are plainly stated and evenly enforced. The wishy washy middle ground is the problem.

Not always. Sometimes it can even be a major part of the draw of playing it, like EVE or Minecraft anarchy servers.

this, clean it up landie

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Why is that?

Just use a condor

>Use me for what now?

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Unfathomably based.