What does Any Forums think about COD zombies?

What does Any Forums think about COD zombies?

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It was alright back in the day.

this thread will 404 I fear but in any case 1-4 was a great experience. I’m still trying to get used to the formula change Cold War introduced, but vanguard is a bit snooze

What's the best song and why is it archangel

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Bo3 and chronicles remains the height of zombies imo, cold war was incredibly bland and vanguard is genuinely the worst thing I've ever seen

Never liked it, but Vanguard is more my pace.

I’m upset at them completely abandoning the chaos storyline despite the crew being genuinely likable (especially Diego), as well as leaving them off in a fucking cliff hanger. Like why even set up this new story line to take over after the primis/victis shit if you’re just gonna abandon it for some stupid ass dark aether shit
It’s just the tranzit crew all fucking over again

Is origins over rated? Or is it just me?

fun as a kid
boring as an adult

Great series but they fucked the games later on in the series. The ending sucked for Blops 4

I never think about it because I'm not a zoomer.

bo3 has some great mods and custom maps for zombies

The maps that had long but not too complicated easter eggs were top tier.
All that convoluted bullshit that you couldnt figure out from clues alone and had to look online was garbage.
Basic zombies just to survive is extremely boring. I loved cold war zombies. Havent bought vanguard so im wondering how that is

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surprised how close Cold War Zombies is to my ideal i dreamt up in high school

lullaby for a deadman unironically

Abracadavre, Archangel, Dead Ended, Dead Again, 115 in that order.

Completely agree, the chaos maps were easily the best part of BO4 and the aether ones were actual dogshit, I never thought I'd be saying it but they unironically should've just remastered motd instead of blood

It was good until the end of Bo2. Buried was the last map that appealed to the core audience (the people that have been playing since WAW or Bo1). Origins was too well received for them not to create every subsequent map with the same gameplay
>Do tedious quest to turn on power/open pap
>Do tedious quest to get wonderweapon
>Fight over wonderweapon in multiplayer game instead of fairly obtained through the box
>Get to high round because the wonderweapon is overpowered and makes the game piss easy
>Also gumballs
It's why Bo3 wasn't well received on launch, the gameplay was too streamlined and alienated everyone who took up the series pre Origins. Nobody talks about its abysmal launch because everyone who cared about its issues left to play much better games
Bo4 is just the final form of Bo3, a casualized mess of hand holding and handouts
Cold war takes a step back by making the game feel relaxing again but it's soulless
Vanguard is just shit. Anyone that doesn't believe it is retarded

Very fun and addicting game mode, even with randoms. Unfortunately, Treyarch lost their way and zombies has been more or less garbage since BO4.

Pic related is my all time favourite map.

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>Bo3 wasn't well received on launch
why do you lie on the interwebz

My biggest problem with it is how each game in the series slowly turned it from "survival horror against nazi zombies" to "action zombie shooting game while fighting aliens." The former was much more memorable than the latter.
That's what I liked about CoD WW2's take on zombies.

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Umm... did you forget that Shadows of Evil was the only zombie map available on launch to anyone who didn't buy the season pass? It was an extremely convoluted map that was pretty much impossible to play with randoms.

Don't bother, Vanguard Zombies is boring, and it's gameplay is now objective based. Even the easter egg is 10 minutes, and only requires you to hit like 3 things, then you're done. Also, the maps are just from MP with a bit of extra blood and "spooky" lighting.

Primis or Ultimis, Any Forums?

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i really enjoyed it, BO3 introduced theater mode to zombies, so i would keep spectating my previous matches putting 2 and 2 together and cracking the map wide open, was so fucking ca$h money

>why do you lie on the interwebz
Exactly my point. Bo3 was only liked because of DE and chronicles. Nobody played shadows because it was complicated, rituals took too long, margwas spawned every other round, zombies hit faster and stopped sprint, der riese was playable...need I go on?

archangel is mid af in comparison to the other songs, still good enough for me to listen to it tho

Bo2 did that retard
Ultimis. Primis is bland

The new zombies mode sucks, but Black Ops 3 has mod support, and there are some really good quality maps from the community.

Soulless vs soul

Zombie Chronicles is pretty overrated honestly. Some of the maps are a genuine improvement over the originals such as Moon. But most of them were inferior to their original counterparts.