Zero hype

>Zero hype

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Other urls found in this thread:

>new engine
>new franchise
>no gameplay shown so far, not even a trailer
>cuts out snoys
There is a number of reasons why there isn't much hype around it, i myself look forward to it but i'm mostly intrested in what this game will be able to do to cop a feel of TES6

>new engine

lmao. Watch it play exactly like the latest iteration of fucking gamebryo

There is hype but there is nothing to talk about because we don't know anything about it.

I want PC specs surely it will run on 1060?

Bethesda pump all their marketing out in the last six months then reduce the price three weeks after launch.

>little to no info on it
>no gameplay
>still 9 months away
I don't know what sort of hype there's supposed to be for it even.

I have a feeling it's going to get canned. No one gives a shit and what little we seen looks like just another by the books Todd scam like fallout 4 and 76.

No alien races to play. Hard science sci fi garbage it will somehow be worse than fallout 76. Wooooooh I'm so excited to see baren planets full of different colored rocks inhabited by way too small cities of like 50 people. Great fucking 10 out of 10 sarcasm meter off the charts.

I expect the game to be pretty shit, but I'm hoping the updated engine will allow for better mods, that's really all.

It will have better coomer mods than cyberpunk and skyrim. That's all the reason I'd ever need to buy it.

>new engine

Everyone learned their lesson with the C2077 Fiasco. No game deserves hype, only hate.

>haha they learned it with halo 4
>haha they learned it with no mans sky
>haha they learned it with 2077
>haha they

If this was a new elder scrolls the hype would be enormous regardless of those things

>"Can I do [blank]?"

Bethesda: "Sure, it may look a little weird though."

Rockstar/Ubisoft/CDPR/Naughty Dog/Every Other AAA Dev: "No."

>"Fuck Bethesda and their shit engine!"

Yeesh, and you guys wonder why every AAA release is a bland "movie game". You may complain about their railroaded design and gameplay limitations, but comments like these reveals audiences' secret preference for them. When a company actually prioritizes gameplay interactions and player freedom, you balk at the inevitable jank.


>>cuts out snoys
The best fucking part

It has plenty of hype everywhere. It's mostly Any Forums where it's quiet, at least, until anime waifus are modded in.

Modding bethesda games only makes the turd a little shinier. I'd rather have an unmoddable good game than skyrim.

Nevermind that a fuckton of mods are simply there to fix bethesda's pathetic code.

When another trailer appears it will move mountains again
But just wait for them to show gameplay and there will be no turning back

>Can i climb ladders?
Rockstar/Ubisoft/CDPR/Naughty Dog/Every Other AAA Dev: "Yes"
Bethesda; "You know ladders are really hard to program we tried a lot but we can't get it to work with our engine (not gamebyro)"

Polls disagree

Attached: 1645115954320.jpg (1919x1079, 171.21K)

I'm cautiously optimistic.

im hyped but not excited, i dont want to get my hopes up and will probably wait 6-12 months after release for a good sale and mods to fix and complete the game. im worried its going to be drier than a saltine. at least with fallout and es releases we generally know what we're getting, releasing some real gameplay earlier than usual would be appropriate for a new franchise.

new renderer more like. it's a good thing it's the same engine, else you won't be modding shit.

I get others, kind of, but what is wolverine doing there?

>le epicly symbolic 11.11.22 release date
>if it has the same release date as skyrim it WILL CERTAINLY BE A SUCCESS RIGHT GUYS??

>no patience to develop and examine singular ideas, must have new ideas tossed at them every 10 minutes to stay entertained
>no appreciation for subtle worldbuilding techniques, can't recognize lore unless it's shoved in their face

Go back to watching harem isekais. Escapist fantasy exists at the intersection of the fanciful and mundane. Tolkien, RR Martin, and Frank Herbert do not splooge their load of wacky fantasy shit all at once. They keep things subdued and spend their time both examining how their core ideas influence people and societies while also trying to sell the audience on the plausability of their world. When the fantastical is introduced, they want it to hit.

it was planned for 11.11.21 but Microsoft deal took too long.

>try to shoot for 2.22.22 to keep the them going
>austin fucks up 76 so badly you have to push your baby back
it was their second choice

go ahead and don't play it. this only has an effect on you. I don't know why you'd cut yourself off from options though.

none of those game have even shown gameplay
Fuck normalfags

Wolverine is probably the second bigest Marvel superhero behind Spider-Man.
Retards only need to know it's being made to get hyped.

>Bethesda game

Why are they so popular anyway? They're buggy shitfests which scream low production value at every turn. And since the vast majority of fans are normies and consolefags it can't be the mods.

There is nothing to discuss.
Space games aren't popular.
Space enjoyers are just waiting for E3 while being in love-hate relationships with SC and ED.
Normalfags are posting typical "What's the game is about ?????? I do not understand???????".
Shitposters, doomposters are just shitposting and doompositng
That's it.

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>Wolverine is probably the second bigest Marvel superhero behind Spider-Man.
and yet the hype for starfield is the same as spiderman according to that poll. and it's IGN so it's representative of the general non-Any Forums posting gamer

>none of those game have even shown gameplay
yep, the hype train is real for sure... closest one to gameplay was starfield but that was just in-engine stuff, not actual gameplay.

There better be alien waifu races or this game will flop

>They're buggy shitfests which scream low production value at every turn
let me guess, "production value" i.e. cinematic elements and lack of gameplay make for better games right? 6:37
Your cope begins now

Hype is for faggots and it destroys games
Tame expectations let games shine without being compared to impossible marketing retardation

>too autistic and lacking of imagination to enjoy exploring a vast and open world
Better stick to something a little more your style, have you tried God of War?

>No game deserves hype, only hate.
kek I remember Any Forums flipping its shit so hard over Human Revolution they "leaked" a demo or gameplay video or something to calm us down. And the game was better for it. We hate because we care.

>"Sure, it may look a little weird though."
based jank. Remember people thinking it was bad that you could put a cauldron on someones head to block their view, then steal from them? How else would you have it, they should have X-ray vision?