Ah yes. "Cheaters"

Ah yes. "Cheaters"

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I have no idea where this
>PC is full of cheaters!
meme comes from. I've seen more cheaters on the 360 than I've ever seen on PC and I can count them on one hand.

>have literal aimbot built in that is exclusive to your control input
>accuse others of cheating when you still get your ass handed to you despite using hacks yourself
do console peasants really?

No one on console likes pc gamers kek

PCfags are cheaters. They refuse to git gud so they resort to cheats.

PC is full of cheaters because PC can alter their control scheme and has fast but precise mouse aiming. If PC players had their controls locked and needed to use WASD and the arrow keys simultaneously like left and right analog sticks, we wouldn't be having this discussion, but too many PC shitters take advantage of game developers' goodwill and end up ruining PvP for the rest of us.

Only controller users should be able to play with console users. Kb+m players should be confined in their own lobbies.

t. PC player with controller

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Console gamers are like disabled kids against pc gamers its not really fair

>fast but precise mouse aiming
how is that related to cheating

>Ah yes. "Cheaters"

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>Console is full of cheaters because console gets aim assist that aims for them. If console players had didn't have aim assist and needed to actually use the thumb sticks to aim, we wouldn't be having this discussion, but too many console shitters take advantage of game playing itself and end up ruining PvP for the rest of us.

It's the equivalent of aimbotting when you can just stop moving the mouse and the reticule also stops moving. In PC there's a slight gyroscopic effect that continues moving the reticule beyond its target. So, PC players are consistently cheating.

"this peripheral is better" is not cheating

>radar hacks
>load in against console gamers
>they shit the bed
>rinse and repeat
>start hacking hackers
>its a who ever has the best hacks wins
>all in a days work for a pchad

PCFag here. This game has literally ZERO anti-cheat measures besides a barebones report system that's abused by scrubs, so naturally the devs don't give two shits about filtering through the muck. This game is INFESTED with aimbotters because of it. Of course, you would know this if you actually fucking played the game for more than 5 minutes.

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>use the thumb sticks to aim
*laughs in gyro*

Why do PCLards keep bringing up m+kb against auto aim when it's clearly about cheat engine niggers?

Anyone who ever wins against me is by default a filthy cheating hacking scumbag

It quite literally is. In fucking ping pong matches they weigh the paddles and check for any irregularities at all. This is how competition works although this is just stupid online play but still.


It's an advantage, and it makes sense when in sports they wouldn't want a side to have an advantage, but it's not cheating. Shut up retard

>This is how competition works
so why is it ok that console fags get aimbot but pc fags don't?

Eat shit, console plebs. Eat shit and die.

good, console niggers have built in aimbot, now they're butt mad when pc users do it, get fucked

no one on pc likes console gamers
Crossplay for pvp fps is a meme

They should send in the Bullyhunters™

There is no anti-cheat in Halo Infinite, i thought they were going to start banning players when the campaign came out but it turns out no one has been banned because they don't even have a working system. The replay system is also broken and desynced so you can't tell who is cheating.

343 is the most incompetent pieces of shit, you can literally cheat in 343 with cheat engine.

>PC "Chads" cheating on babies first fps


I mean MP

Cope, i'm going to keep cheating until they add a working anti-cheat, for now i'm gonna keep griefing so it kills the playerbase.

Literally no one likes forced crossplay. Why do devs keep pushing this bullshit?