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bl3 clappy can go fuck himself

infact bl3 can go fuck himself


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It was all so simple back then.

If only we knew the cancer that Borderlands introduced.


>Borderlands was 13 years ago

>First readily apparent case of viral marketing on Any Forums
>Responsible for introducing LOLSORANDUM DeviantArt tier humor to gaming on a large scale
>Anthony Burch
>Lootershooter clones flood the market, in varying degrees of being finished/balanced/fleshed out

Honestly, those are enough for me to condemn the franchise for eternity.

It's older than that. These hacks were just ripping off the standard LOL SO RANDOM AND ABSURD crap that made the likes of Douglas Adams a star amongst the geeks decades ago. It's normal geek humor. It sucks. It's always sucked. And it's older than most your parents.

>people are annoyed that claptrap is always telling you to head back to the bounty board
>gearbox takes this to mean they hate the character and go out of their way to make him the most hateable thing imaginable because they're THAT butthurt over nothing

I take solace in the fact that I am neither as autistic OR as greasy as Randy Pitchford.

>BL1 guns are shit
>story and writing are god tier
>ate game balancing is beyond dogshit
>DLCs are 50/50 dogshit and god tier
>Playing with other people makes the game easier

>BL2 guns are fantastic
>story and writing are terrible
>late game balancing is mediocre
>DLCs are half dogshit and half god tier
>Playing with other people throws the balance out the window

never played BL3 but I've been told
>BL3 guns are god tier
>story and writing are the worst it's ever been

It's just a shit series to begin with

>First readily apparent case of viral marketing on Any Forums
shizo tier post , and even then older valve games have been advetised here
>>Responsible for introducing LOLSORANDUM DeviantArt tier humor to gaming on a large scale
this was going to happend anyway with ragecomics becoming mainstream
>>Anthony Burch
>>Lootershooter clones flood the market, in varying degrees of being finished/balanced/fleshed out
who would have guessed , a good game spawned a lot of shitty clones. this is true for basically everything. from doom to fortnite

aight lemme correct your a bit

bl1 main quest is just you running after a mcguffin treasure then fighting a shit boss

bl2's storyline is better

and bl3s gameplay sucks balls

The Pre-Sequel is one of the worst things I've ever experienced.
Had to mute the dialogue halfway through, and the game was such a grinding slog that I just quit when I found out there were DLCs I'd have to do.

shame , the clappy dlc is actually good

>>BL3 guns are god tier
uhhhhh you know only a small minority of them are actually viable endgame right? all the cute gimmicks on most of the guns are pointless if they don't multiply your dps by a factor of a 1000 with the huge HP scaling enemies get

Borderlands 3 DLCs proves how the god awful base game writing ruins it. The DLCs don't have great stories but it's miles ahead of the base game, and the game becomes much more enjoyable because of this. I still like BL3, literally the best gunplay on the market, but I have to mute it and only listen to the music, or I listen to something else while playing.

Let's ignore the writing for a second
>go to enemy outpost
>4-7 enemies patrol around
>shoot one
>game spends next 3 minutes spawning continuous enemies out of pitch black portal doors dotted around the outpost
The fact they did this for four games and for every type of enemy is ridiculous. There were even some pretty good environments but every single combat encounter played out the same. So fucking lazy.

I really hate the shooting in Borderlands.
>Dude, just generally aim in the direction and hope RNG lets you aim straight.

>first dlc , the hyperion casino
>shit from beginning to end , no arguments there
>the gay hammerlock alien planet dlc
>meme tier writing , and omega shit bosses
seriously who designed the bosses ??? WHO ???? HAVE THEY PLAYED A VIODEGAMES BEFORE
>3rd dlc , jackobs japan style dlc
actually somewhat good , decent art design , suffers from typical bl3 problems
>4th dlc
*dies because of how shit it is*

bl3 dlcs sucks less balls than the base game true , but that's not an achievement

Should I play borderlands 2 or 3? Which one is less cringe

bl2 by 10 million miles. Its still cringe but bl3 is death defying levels of cringe

Borderlands 1

My point is that they're at least tolerable, which is not the case for the base game.
>seriously who designed the bosses
Agree, DLC 2 have the worst bosses in the game.

>story and writing are god tier

How can it be tiered when it doesn't even fucking exist

Heavy Rain*

The bosses in 3 are miles better than the aoe spam garbage in 1 and 2

Are there any other looter shooters like Borderlands and Destiny?

So is it true that the new BL actually melee weapons as a new type of weapon to use? And that you're able to create and customize your own Vault Hunter?

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Will tiny tina wonderland save the series? Please give me a decent looter shooter...

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eh ? they arn't good in 2 that's for sure , but you are going to tell me that bl3 bosses are fucking great

seriously invincibility phases

in a game where life leech is essencial

like what ? ?who

also i can only think of 2 bosses with powerful aoe , the warrior (wich is annoying ill give you that) and vorac (and its vorac)

don't bother giving any attention or buying the new bl
ignore it

Apparently yes, changeable appearance, and you can mix two classes together. The first class stays, while the other can be changed at some point.
Melee weapons are also in, which is only a natural development, and I expected it already with 3.

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BL3 is booooooring