Games with self-fulfilling prophecies?

Games with self-fulfilling prophecies?

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Once you realize you have no free will, life becomes a lot easier.

This doesn't even make sense, are you saying you have no agency, or do you just accept whatever circumstance you find yourself in? Either way, it's a shitty justification for you being a lazy fat fuck

The only reason you made that comment is because you have been influenced by those around you and it has shaped how you respond to things

I say we technically don't, but we practically do
It's similar to how rolling a dice technically isn't random, since if you always rolled it the exact same way under the exact same conditions, it will always land the same way. But actually doing that is impractical, so we call it random. Free will is similar, technically all of your actions are caused by something in a similar way, but in practice the only one who can truly know what you're going to do is you.

"You" are entirely controlled by your brain, which is for all intents and purposes machine learning algorithm that learns by picking up external cues. Decisions you make are based on your brain chemistry. You can't change anything about yourself if you don't want to, and you don't get to control what you want. What you want is based on your biology and your circumstances. Furthermore, whatever circumstance you find yourself in, was not anything you had any control - read: will - over. You are the result of millions of years of evolution on a rock that, if one variable was changed, none of us would exist. And we can trace everything back to the singular point of the big bang - or the creator creating the cosmos if you're religious. Read some Sapolsky or Harris. Neither of these men believe in free will, and they're successful people.

We *feel* that we have it, but that doesn't mean it really exists. Humans anthropomorphize everything, even inanimate objects. It's in our biological wiring to assume that there is intent behind something, and to our problem-solver brains it makes sense that we think of things as being within our control. But we often just ignore the times when it's inconvenient for us to admit we don't have free will. It takes some twisting of definitions to make free will exist, which is mainly what compatibilists try to do.

I don't need this stupid bullshit, just read the Bible. It literally explains everything, but you have to read it with Faith.


So how does this work for making a statue into real woman?

You need the greek pantheon and none of this gay shit

Recovering from addiction proves you wrong. Your brain wants the substance but you actively choose to not get what you want. That is free will.

But the Greeks had sex will little boys while the Bible had a nation of gays getting killed by God.


Final Fantasy XIII

>throws epic cheese strussel on your roof and does the running man behind your back
How's that for learning algorithm?

Clearly God did a very bad job there because they are still here at the present. Meanwhile the greek pantheon left forever with the power to make the waifu real.

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You only recover from substance abuse if you want to change it. The people who want to recover from it... want to change. They want the substance, but they want the feeling of pain to stop more. Moreover, people typically do not recover from addictions without support networks preventing them from falling back into the addiction. That's external circumstance. If there are no support systems to help you, you just relapse.

Here's something to think about: Think of 5 cities, any 5 cities. You can't name a random rural village in nowhere Kazakhstan, so that's out. You obviously cannot name those. But now think about all the cities that you do know, but it didn't occur to you to think about? *Why* didn't it occur to you to think of the 5 cities you thought of, and not the other cities you know?

What the fuck is a city?

So...they are choosing to stop the pain rather than continue with the substance?

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>t. NPC

This thread is boring.

Don't know what you're getting at.

Their brain is choosing to stop the pain than continue with the substance, yes. Choices exist. You just don't choose what you choose.

Not an argument.

>Your brain wants the substance but you actively choose to not get what you want.
Do you think you make that active choice without the use of your brain?
>So...they are choosing to stop the pain rather than continue with the substance?
The ability to make a decision, and the possibility that you were always going to make that decision are not in contradiction.

This isn't an argument or even a good point. The first five cities that come to mind are the cities that I remember the most for whatever reason. I can still choose NOT to name those cities for you if I want to and name a bunch of random ones that you have never heard of. You are a retarded pseudointellectual that is parroting philosophy that he does not understand. You will now choose to continue to engage me without realizing that you simply cannot prove that free will doesn't exist. I will enjoy running circles around you and laughing at you with the other anons.

>Not an argument.

>Sapolsky was born in Brooklyn, New York, to immigrants from the Soviet Union. His father, Thomas Sapolsky, was an architect who renovated the restaurants Lüchow's and Lundy's.[4] Robert was raised an Orthodox Jew
>Samuel Benjamin Harris was born in Los Angeles, California, on April 9, 1967.[6][7] He is the son of actor Berkeley Harris, who appeared mainly in Western films, and TV writer and producer Susan Harris (née Spivak), who created Soap (TV series) and The Golden Girls among other series.[8][9] His father, born in North Carolina, came from a Quaker background, and his mother is Jewish

>intellectual midget attempts to feebly grope for an argument, but lacking any sort of actual free will, any good argument cannot occur to him.

That's why I can't take autistic frog posters seriously; crying about being lonely and alienated while actively pushing people away by supporting exclusion makes it clear that they want to be tolerated despite their intolerance. In video games it's especially bad because they were under the impression that they wouldn't have to grow up and they'd be safe from the mainstream.

But yeah, Bioshock Infinite.

Spoken by someone that has literally never battled addiction in their life or been close to someone that does. You're such a fucking idiot, user.
They are in complete contradiction. You cannot make a decision if the decision was always going to be made in that manner. The fact that you can make decisions disproves your argument in totality. I know it's hard for you to accept that you do have agency and your shit life is actually your fault, but it's true.

>Any Forums retard lacks free will so he immediately responds with "muh jews" meme

Every time. Like clockwork. Almost like free will doesn't exist and you cannot help but to do what you do.

Jews are horrible people
Chinabro btw

>Spoken by someone that has literally never battled addiction in their life or been close to someone that does. You're such a fucking idiot, user.
What a useless appeal to emotion. You don't know anything about me.

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That's the weird thing about those types calling others NPC; they rely heavily on memes and groupthink, it's almost like fascists are against freedom or something and favor traditionally controlled indoctrination of their citizens while actively pushing out information they find inconvenient.

>doesn't respond with a counter-argument
Oh, I think I know you quite well actually.

>everyone that calls me an NPC is a fascist
No, I call you an NPC because you are physiologically incapable of critical thought or self-reflection. I am against fascism. The NPC meme angers you because you know it's true and desperately want to deny the reality.

>This isn't an argument or even a good point.

You're not getting it. Think about it for like a minute instead of getting emotional about it.

Have you ever had any instance in your life where something didn't occur to you? That you forgot something? How do you think that happens? How could you have forgotten something? Why could you not just choose to have not forgotten it?

You will now continue to attempt to "run circles" around me but you will just continue to bite your own tail and just run in circles by saying "well you can't PROVE it doesn't exist!!!!" because you're emotionally attached to the idea of having a freedom of will.

That's my counter-argument. You're assuming you know how everyone interacts with addiction, which you don't.

You didn't put forth any argument to begin.

>I can read minds
You're so deep into the meme you think you have powers and figure anonymous posters out. The worst part of the NPC meme is the lack of self awareness it takes to be this religious about it.

That makes no sense. If you have no free will and life becomes easier once you realize that you have no free will, then the very fact that you discover that you have no free will is pre-ordained and the "easiness" you feel is nothing, just a programmed change in states.

>anyone who says NPC is automatically fascist
lel are you angry you can't brigade the wrongthink like you can on your actually fascist platforms you tremendous faggot
kill yourself

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>you didn't choose that, your brain chose it for you
I am my brain

>Have you ever had any instance in your life where something didn't occur to you? That you forgot something? How do you think that happens? How could you have forgotten something? Why could you not just choose to have not forgotten it?
What does this have to do with free will? You can't just "choose" to beat the 100m sprint world record either, that doesn't prove you lack free will, it just proves that human minds (and brains) are fallible.

*minds (and bodies)

ITT: Agents of the Demiurge.

Nah bruv. If I can't just decide to become a millionaire and fly to the moon, free will doesn't exist. Simple 'as.

You do. This chart only confirms it. You affect the world and the world affects you.

No, I don't call people NPCs even when they're wojak posting faggots. You can rely on your memes to help you express yourself if you want, it just looks the most ridiculous here.

You can't prove free will doesn't exists but everyone can prove you they have free will.

Your hands hated that post as they typed it out.

Ben Affleck of all people explains this better than I can.

The cure for addiction is suffering. When the suffering of the addiction begins to drastically outweigh the pleasure it creates is when you change. You can tell yourself after the fact that it was a decision that "you" made but really you're just a monkey burning your fingers on the fire. Do it enough times and you learn your lesson. Or you don't learn your lesson and you fucking die which is actually far more likely.

>can't name a random rural village in nowhere Kazakhstan

Pretty much.
I don't get why people thinks your brain is some external force that make decisions for you. IT IS YOU. Those decisions are your own and can completely ignore your actual needs and demands.

>can chose to do anything
>chooses to be a slave
no wonder you shitpost every single day here looking for validation