Add first-person aiming

>add first-person aiming
>ruins the entire game

Twin Snakes is not just inferior to the PS1 MGS1 (because the echoy audio design and dark/grainy visuals meshed together perfectly on the PS1), it's a legitimately bad game with seemingly random design choices that added nothing and subtracted literally all the difficulty.

Attached: twin snakes.jpg (1280x720, 160.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

MGS1 is already legitimately bad.

>and subtracted literally all the difficulty.
MGS1 was never hard and can be finished in 45 minutes to an hour if you skip the cutscenes. Thanks for letting us know you suck at even movie games so we can spend the rest of the thread laughing at you.

I have never seen someone so mad that a GameCube game is expensive.

Don't care. It's fun to fuck around with the MGS2 mechanics. Why is balance so important to people anyway?

Twin Snakes is worth playing to laugh at the cutscenes

"Difficulty" does not mean difficult or hard, it means it has challenge.

1. PS1 Mantis, you have to stop firing to crawl around and dodge his attacks.
Twin Snakes Mantis, you lay on the ground and snipe him in the head with the pistol until he dies without any issue.
2. PS1 Ocelot, you have to chase him around and time your rushes at him with both his shots and his reloading.
Twin Snakes Ocelot, you literally stand still and peak out in first-person from behind a pillar to pick him off without a fight.
3. PS1 REX, homing missiles will fuck you up if you don't learn to dodge them.
Twin Snakes REX, homing missiles lock on to Snake's location a second ago so everything easily misses.
4. Every single room of standard enemies in PS1, designed to see enemies with first-person to then sneak around them.
Every single room of standard enemies in Twin Snakes, you can snipe everyone with a silenced pistol the moment you enter most rooms; even the nuclear warhead storage room that you can't use weapons in.

I bought the game the day it came out because MGS1 was my favorite game ever at that point. I could just emulate it anyway.

MGS wasn't hard retard

Blame Silicon Knights

Did you know that they once turned down advice from Miyamoto on one of their games because they thought they knew better?
Turns out Miyamoto was right.

It kind of opened my eyes to how fucking cringe MGS is. If I go back to the original I can't take it seriously either now. I'm kind of mad honestly.

>it has challenge.
No it doesn't, you just suck at games.

I really hope you're missing the point deliberately to bait because otherwise this reply is just plain sad.

"Challenge" does not mean is hard either. MGS1 is not hard, especially for some who has played it once a year since release, but Twin Snakes removed what challenge the original had by just adding one mechanic.

The sub par voice acting and shitty OST alone completely ruin The Twin Snakes.

The FPS aiming and weird color filter are tiny, irrelevant issues compared to those two problems.

>at school
>PS2/3 player, friend is Nintendo player
>he tells me how Twin Snakes is fun but stuck on trying to find President Baker
>tell him to stop playing. Wait until I let him borrow MGS1 PS1 next day
>he borrows it. I tell him how to find Baker and Meryl's number on the case
>school on Monday he tells me MGS1 is one of the best games he ever played

lmao I played through this game to 100% completion and didn't realise you could go first person until I saw a friend do it.

Worked for me, just don't use it, it's really that simple.

MGS1 is still the greatest movie game. Its actually amazing how well the voice acting holds up.

Not as sad as sucking at MGS1
>what challenge the original had

I'm pretty sure Twin Snakes had no voice direction whatsoever because everyone reads their lines so woodenly, even Otacon when he's meant to be screaming "LOOK OUT SNAKE!!!" about the men in the elevator. Hayter sort of remembered the game and the scenes enough to get his part down at least.

Naomi and Campbell were the hardest hit, they sound robotic.

How to fix Twin Snakes:
>Don't use the tranq pistol
>Dont use first person aim

There, enjoy your superior experience

Sure, but they really should never have given you the option when all ot does is make the game easily cheesable. I can forgive OP shit in MGSV because it's basically a sandbox and you're free to just not equip the OP shit, but in a straightforward linear game like Twin Snakes there is simply no place for a gamebreakingly OP mechanic that is always available to the player.

Fun fact:
The PC version of MGS1 already lets you shoot your weapon in first person. You hold down the look button to snap into the first person view and you can move around and shoot while in that view.

>"Difficulty" does not mean difficult or hard, it means it has challenge.
I agree with the rest of your post but this is the stupidest thing I've read all week, if you want to say something is challenging say it's challenging not difficult


Attached: you.png (348x358, 81.63K)

Nuclear warhead storage building.
The one you can't use weapons in.
The one where, if you get spotted, you automatically GAME OVER because they flood the place with gas and lock all the doors.

In Twin Snakes, you can shoot from the ground under the large entrance door and take out all cameras and enemies. The game does not stop you from doing this.

That's taking challenge away. Everyone playing the game for the first time is going to instantly turn around, crawl back under the door, and shoot everyone.

PC version is non-canon because MGS4 Mantis remembers the Dualshock and memory cards.

correction: you double tap the look button to stay in the first person view.

I accept your admission to defeat, good day.

to this day when I glance at this image it looks like the soldiers are cyborg ninjas

Attached: genome.png (708x651, 11.09K)

It's tragic that people today won't be able to appreciate the HIDEO blackout moment of Psycho Mantis. They'll never wonder for a split-second why their TV just switched to another video input.

They probably see it as an annoyance for stopping the fight for a few seconds.

I would like to add the following:
>Twin Snakes sucks b-because the cutscenes are too over the top!
>Snake pulls off ridiculous moves that aren't realistic!

REMINDER that this happens in the OG.

Attached: images (6).jpg (300x168, 6.59K)

okay but snake literally jumps off a flying missile from a helicopter to shoot a missile himself

MGS has wacky stuff but its significantly more over the top in TS

Oh the room that takes 10 seconds to run upstairs and hop in the elevator? Wow.
>That's taking challenge away. Everyone playing the game for the first time is going to instantly turn around, crawl back under the door, and shoot everyone.
If someone actually feels the need to interact with the enemies in that room it's 100% easier and faster to just choke out the enemies on the way to the elevator.

MGS4 is not canon. Get bent.